Undoing an ERC Freeze

Is there a way to reset a character back to factory default after it has undergone an ERC Freeze?

I was working on a morph for G3. It was a thigh morph. Alas, I had inadvertently made some other changes to the G3 figure. Now when I merge the base G3 figure into a scene, the new figure carries these other changes. Is there some way to return the G3 figure to its stock shape and retain only the thigh morph that I created?

I might have to undo the freeze completely. Then recreate the morph more carefully. I'm OK with that. Uninstalling G3 and reinstalling could work, but I fear that could upset the database with disastrous consequences.


  • With the Parameters pane in edit mode right-click on the morph and select ERC Bake, then resave the morph

  • Thanks for writing back. Let me amplify my description. My stock Genesis 3 Female now comes up with several full body morphs changed from the usual defaults. For instance Body Tone is set to 100%. In parameter settings, Body Tone default shows as 100%. I have tried setting the default back to 0% and running ERC Freeze. No joy. Any new G3F comes up with Body Tone 100% and the parameter default set to 100%.

    I can zero the stock character with Edit->Figure->zero-->zero shape. But if I apply any of the other characters such as Adaline or Summer, the 100% FBM's return. My goal is to return my Genesis 3 Female back to stock values.

    Also, I was unable to find the ERC bake command, see screen cap 2.

    ERC Problem 1.jpg
    603 x 651 - 105K
    ERC Problem 2.jpg
    513 x 800 - 80K
  • ERC Freze is not needed here - reset the default and current values, then use File>Save as>Support Assets>Morph Asset to resave that morph (without chnaging anything in the options dialogue other than the morph selected).

  • Thank you so much. I was likely using the wrong terminology. It turns out that to reset the figure I needed to alter your suggestion slightly. I used File->Save As->Support Assets->Save Modified Assets. That made the changes sticky. Somewhere in the past, I must have mistakenly issued the same command with an altered figure. G3F is back to default.

  • Save Modified Assets can catch stuff you don't want chnaged - indeed it can create exactly the situation you have just been fixing, which is why I don't normally suggest it.

  • Yes, I see that now. Cleaned everything up. But a new problem is cropping up. The base figure comes up with Body Tone set to 100%. Nothing I do will change that. I open parameters, set the values to 0, do the file->save as->support asset -> morph asset. Then select Genesis 3 -> actor -> real world -> Body Tone. I then do new scene and select Genesis 3 Female. Body Tone is back to 100%. In proberty hierarchy, there are no sub-components or controllers. I don't understand why Body Tone keeps resetting to 100%.

  • Are you changing the Default value?

  • Yes. I changed both the default and value. Many times. No joy.

    But, you got me thinking. "Body Tone" appears to be part of the Genesis 3 Body Morph package that I have. So, I uninstalled the package. Restarted DS 4.9 just to verify it was gone. Strangely Body Tone was sill active. Only now it was back to 0% default. Reinstalled G3 Body Morph package and all is well. I wonder if some other package is using the same name? Not a great explanation but best I can think of.

    In any event all is back to default which was the point.

    Thanks so much. You are indeed a treasure here in the forum.

  • Yes. I changed both. Many iterations. The window asked if I wanted to change the morph permanently each time.

    But, you got me thinking. The morph "Body Tone" is part of the Genesis 3 Body Morph package. So I uninstalled the package. Strangely after restarting DS4.9 Body Tone was still available. I reinstalled Genesis 3 Body Morph package and all was perfect.

    Not sure why Body Tone was still there. Could two separate packages have the same morph name?

    Thanks so much.

  • That sounds very odd, but I am glad you were able to get it to behave.

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