Deleting unused Iray render presets.

Is there a way to delete the pile of Iray render presets? I have a few I've saved that work for me, and wish to eliminate the clutter in the drop-down panel. A Google search of these forums drew a blank. Thanks in advance for any help.
They are just files, so you can delete them normally (the right-click menu shold help you to find the files if you are in a CMS view).
This seems to result in broken links to the assets, so might be more to it than just the file.
I also noticed that if I try to copy one to/from another folder, it doesn't show in the list either.
Both issues persist even after refreshing the list or restarting Studio.
Those are the database references - if you use the right-click menu to go to the Content Library entry you should be able to right-click on that and remove it.
This is way late, but if you are still seeing those icons after deleting those presets do the following steps.(Since I don't know how DAZ was back when Richard Haseltine posted his comment, I'm just quoting it since in a way for DAZ 4.10 it's still correct) If there is an easier or faster way to do like just clicking it and its gone completely, someone let me know. I mean it's not a big deal, it's just more of a nuisance. I've done this a few times over these past few months so I've had no issues, but if this is the incorrect way to get rid of them let me know as well.