Daz Studio 4.9 and Atmospheric Effects Cameras


With DS 4.5, there is Easy Volume Camera which allows to select the lights on which to apply the volume. But with version 4.9, Easy Volume Camera is not there. So how do you do with DS 4.9 so that the volume does not apply to all the lights?



  • Not there or not working? Was that a product from the store or one of the sahder samples? I can't recall. If it came with DS, have you isntalled the Default Resources pack?

  • edited January 2017
    Post edited by lokikali_7436175ea8 on
  • That is for 3Delight, so it won't work at all under Iray. As I recall, some parts are or were not working fully in the newer versions of 3Delight.

  • I tested with 3Dlight. Is there an update to have Easy Volume with DS 4.9?
    If not, is there a trick to apply volume to certain lights only?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    EZ Volume works in 4.9, 3DL. Some of the SSS flagging doesn't work, but it still works fine with things like setting _category Foglight.

    If you want a similar effect in Iray, check out Canvasses; you can have multiple render outputs with different sets of active lights (but you need a graphic editor capable of handling 32 bit EXR output)

    Alternately, you can simply do multiple renders and then composite, some with fog and one set of lights, some without fog and another set of lights.


  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    I have a tutorial on atmospheric fog for Iray! http://sickleyield.deviantart.com/journal/Tutorial-Creating-Dust-And-Atmosphere-in-Iray-522291773 Alternately, Marshian has a very cool product that gets the job done with minimum fuss: http://www.daz3d.com/atmocam-for-iray
  • edited January 2017

    @Will -> Multiple render and composite is ok for picture, but not for animation ;)

    I'm not looking for tutos to render IRay, nor for the fog.
    I think the google translation is not very clear :(
    If a French could translate my question it might be clearer to answer :)

    Dans la version de DS 4.5, il y a une icone "Easy Volume", qui permet de sélectionner, grace au paramètre _category,  les lumieres pour lesquelles on veut appliquer le volume. Cette icone n'est pas présente dans la version de DS 4.9, du coup le volume est appliqué à toutes les lumières présentes dans la scène. Je voudrais donc savoir s'il y a un moyen de faire dans DS 4.9 ce que l'on fait dans DS 4.5 avec "Easy Volume"



    Post edited by lokikali_7436175ea8 on
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