New Node Instances and placement geometry

I know how to do this in Carrara - but let's say I want to create a hedge of plants. I place my first plant, and I create new node instances for it, selecting 10 instances.
I get two rows of 5 plants, offset. to the Z axis, and aligned along the X axis. I want them aligned on the Z axis.
If I take the instances group and do a z, y or x rotate, they get distorted.
Do you have any control over the inital location of your instances? Is there a way to resposition them I don't know about?
I'm not sure why they are distorting, however you can use the Align tab to align a bunch of selected objects on the Z axis.
Thanks! I'll have to read up on this. I've got a feeling I'm going to learn something new and important that I didn't realize before I'm done with all of this. :)
@sriesch Thanks for that tip. Found my alignment tab, and it is awesome! Maybe I should spend some time wandering around the menus and figuring out what the things I don't know about do. :)