Saving Morph Asset

When I dial two morphs saved as morph asset ( figures have rig adjustments), the rig deforms the mesh.
The way I saved morphs is as follows:
Load a new daz figure. Load Morph with Reverse deformations. Adjust Rig to shape. ERC freeze. Save asset as morph.
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong
Did it work before saving? Did it work before you did the ERC Freeze?
Thank you for pointing that out an narrowing down the problem.
I did check and the morphs are deformed before erc freeze or saving them.
After testing it works ok if the morphs have the same height as the original daz figure.
If I load 2 morphs that have the same height as each other but not the same as the original daz figure, then when I combine the dials on those morphs their height gets changed double in size and do not give the desired result. Is there any setting I need to change to fix this?
Another thing I noticed is that when I load a morph with reverse deformation "yes" or "no" it gives me identical figures when the 2 morphs are fully dialed.
I uninstalled the software and installed back again.. The same thing....
If the morphs chnage the height then getting double the chnage when aplying both morphs is expected - a morph is very simple, it stores the new position of the (changed) vertices, which is what you get when the morph is at 100%, and other values for the morph move each vertex along a line between the zero position and the 100% position. Setting more than one morph simply adds the movements together, so the result is always cumulative. I'm not sure what you are wanting to have happen.
I want the same result as you get when you dial a different height to the figure and combine it with a different body shape such as fitness. Fitness will not change the height only its bodyshape
Then you need a shape that doesn't change height, if you include height change in the morph you can't subtract it after the fact.
I guess I have to create a new figure an load morphs on that.
Just separate out the shaping part and the height adjustment part, then you can mix as many shapes as you want with only one height change.
Thank you Richard that is what I was looking for.
It worked by loading morphs on the daz figure ( adjusted to the height of my morphs )