How do you achieve real skin and good renders in Reality for DAZ?

I just got it since it was on sale and i wanted to try and see because i remember i had Reality1 and it was cool. Well, now i'm rendering with this Reality 4 and the quality looks worse. I used to use a combination IBL + Mesh and produce good stuff. Now, that no longer is the same.
Anyways, i would like to be able to render something like this following picture with the girl
done in Reality 3.
But what i'm getting instead is this(Genesis 2base male):
Also with a Sun, back in Reality 1 i used to get a nice awesome render right off the bat and with a blue sky. NOw i get this.
The skin looks plastic just like regular 3DDelight. I was expecting more waxy skin since it has SubSurface and all that but this is a render with default settings.
I don't know how to make it look better.
Oh and yeah, what happened with the Sky? reality 1 you would put a sun and you'd get a nice blue sky. and nice sunny lighting. Here no

Might want to ask this over at the reality forums:
I am a reality user and I find the default settings for G2 and G3 figures to work quite well. Most of my adjustments are to the eyes usually. I stick with CPU acclerated, no boost, monodirectional, metropolis for render settings, not sure what you are using, maybe opengl or extra boost (which introduces bias) judging by the square render zones still showing on your image.
Try using the perfect shot scene offered free: see what you get, go from there. I use it for test shots after making a new character, gives me an idea whats what before I go dropping into scenes where lighting is a work in progress.
Also maybe try using a character rather than a base figure, get some materials in there you can sink your eyeballs into.
thanks for your details. This wasn't OPENGL, i didn't even know there was OpenGL render in reality. You know why the sky is not blue like in Reality 1, 2, etc?
It's a sunlight so i would expect the blue sky.
If you check the render tab you will see theres several render options, Cpu, Cpu Accel, Cpu Accel extra boost, open gl GPU, open gl CPU, open GL CPU+GPU.
I dont use the sun prop sorry, no idea.