Oversized clothing

I'm trying to figure out how to put clothing on a figure and NOT have it autofit. For example, the young page trying on the knight's armor and having it stay far too big for him. But I still want it to rig properly, and follow movements (I'm willing to accept it being centered instead of hanging, if need be).
I've tried parenting the armor instead of fitting, but it still shrinks to fit. And going into hidden parameters and setting all the "in use" ones to zero didn't solve it.
To do this you would probably need to export the armour as OBJ, then in a modeller break it up into its pieces. Either export as separate OBJ files and load them as props to be parented to the figure or position them around the figure in the modeller, sized and placed as you want, and then export the assembly as a single OBJ (without the base figure) and rig that as a new item. For cloth your only option would be some variant of export as OBJ and run a dynamic simulation in another application (Marvellous Designer, Blender, VWD, etc.) then load that as a morph (or as a static prop)