K4 Peter and Pansy facial expressions

I am Using DAZ 3D 4.5 and have purchased K4 Peter and Pansy.
I can alter the facial features using the ones that came with it. Peter and Pansy,
however when I try to use the KIDS 4 Base Morph injections to alter the facial expressions it doesn't work.
Any ideas? I suspect compatibility issues but as they are the same base (K4) I'm nort sure how to solve this.
K4 built in morphs, and also the K4Morphs++ ones have to be injected into the K4 figure, and can then be accessed by the parameter tabs for the head. You can then adjust them on the dials/sliders there.
Thank you chohole. You saved me from hours of head scratching and doing all the facial morphing of my own :-)