Carrara Monthly Challenge #30: WAR TIMES - Voting Thread



  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,145
    edited January 2017

    Stezza - Get Well Soon!!

    And my votes (difficult as ever to choose!):

    #7  "Advance" by Bytescapes
    #8  "Eureka Stockade" by Stezza
    #13 "Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages" by Headwax
    HM  #12  "Mutual Extinction" by MistyMist

    but my goodness, there were plenty of other images that deserve votes too!

    Post edited by PhilW on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Get well soon Stezza!

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,235

    Hope you are well and home soon Stezza, take care!!

    As per usual, very tough to choose, all images look fantastic!
    Here it goes though:

    1 - #14
    2 - #4
    3 - #8
    HM - #3

    Many great dynamic compositions everyone. Keep on with the Carrara awesomeness.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    Stezza said:
    Hey, Cararians , I'm in hospital posting using my phone, sorry I can't vote as I can't see the entries and at this stage I don't know when I'll be out.. Good luck and we'll catch up soon. Auto spell is pita!

    Ahh, the sympathy vote.  You Aussies know every trick in the book.smiley

    More seriously, get well quickly.  You are missed.  In my short time here, I have come to look forward to your comments, artwork, and sense of humor.

    My votes:

    #8  "Eureka Stockade" by Stezza - no sympathy vote here.  The poses alone sold me.

    #7  "Advance" by Bytescapes - so slick.  Could easily be a video game promo.

    #13 "Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages" by Headwax - a richness that is hard to quantify.

    HM - almost anything by Diomede.  He pushes the envelope regularly.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes not, but it is always interesting.  If I ever get to his level, I will be very happy.

  • Wow these are all amazing! Great job everyone!

    After much thought I think I will go with:

    #1 Entry: #2 Faeries at War
    #2 Entry #7  Final Advance
    #3 Entry: #3 Against the Temple of Evil

    HM: Entry: #8 Eureka Stockade

  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,832

    All the images are amazing. But the three that stood out for me in the end were probably:

      #3 "Against the Temple of Evil" by Mark D. Olsen

      #10 "Mind controlling bone fish" by Stezza

      #13 "Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages" by Headwax

      HM #4 "Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge" by Diomede


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

    You wouldn't believe it but I've been giving computer instruction to fellow sick patients in my ward lol

    One patient got his wife to bring in his laptop and dongle so I could teach him, he is about 70yo I think..

    anyways thanks for the well wishes and while I have a chance if I'm not to late

    Entry: #4
    Title:  Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge

    Artist:  Diomede

    Entry: 6
    Title: Attack at the Ostrich Farm

    Artist: Varsel

    Entry #7

    Final Advance
    Artist: Bytescapes

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    #8  "Eureka Stockade" by Stezza -

    #7  "Final Advance" by Bytescapes 

     #4 Title:  Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge   Artist:  Diomede

    HM to 

    Entry # 5

    Title - Against the Odds

    Artist - IceDragonArt


    what a great and pro challenge this was, love the work!!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    #7 - Bytescapes - Final Advance

    #10 - Stezza - Mind Controlling Bone Fish

    #13 - Head Wax - Son of Nial of the Nine Hostages

    HM - #15 - diomede - Tribute to Operation Market Garden


  • VarselVarsel Posts: 574

    Here are my votes, for this challenge.

    Entry: #2
    Title: Faeries at War
    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    Entry: #8
    Title: Eureka Stockade

    Entry #13
    Title: Son of Nial of The Nine Hostages
    Artist: Headwax

    And HM for
    Entry: #4
    Title:  Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge
    Artist:  Diomede

  • AlbertoAlberto Posts: 1,418
    edited January 2017

    I know I’m too late for the contest. I missed the deadlinesad. But I want to show the picture anyway. Technical details will be in WIP.

    The scene is the climax of an immunological war. The pink rods are bacteria, the bluish cells are leukocytes. The largest leukocytes at foreground are macrophages ingesting bacteria. Some of them are dissolving.


    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by Alberto on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Entry: #2
    Title: Faeries at War
    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
    -love fairy lights

    Entry: #4
    Title:  Cyclopstritch Cavalry Charge
    Artist:  Diomede
    -cute Cyclopstritch

    Entry #7
    Final Advance
    Artist: Bytescapes
    -like the pov angle

    Entry: #11
    Title: "The Death of Farmer Ned at The Hands of The Runaway Chickens Gang."
    Artist:  Headwax
    -like the gothness, garden of unearthly delights-ish

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,431

    Entry #7   Final Advance   Artist: Bytescapes

    Entry: #9    Title: Carrarians vs Dazonians    Artist: Stezza

    Entry #14    Title: Death of Eric The Lowlander    Artist: Headwax

    HM     Entry # 5    Title - Against the Odds    Artist - IceDragonArt

  • #7 - Bytescapes - Final Advance

    #10 - Stezza - Mind Controlling Bone Fish

    #13 - Head Wax - Son of Nial of the Nine Hostages

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    what is the next challenge theme?

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Dates to Remember:

    WIP Thread Opens: Friday 23 Dec 2016

    Entry Thread Opens: Saturday 10 Jan 2017

    Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: 12.00 Midnight Monday 17 Jan 2017

    Voting Ends: Saturday 23 Jan 2017

    Is the voting done?  Some of the above dates are out-of-wack.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    This one still needs to be closed out.  Namtar may be busy.

    According to my calculations, the artist with the most votes combined for all images submitted, excluding HMs, is Headwax with 15 for the combination of entries 11, 13, and 14. The image with the most individual votes is Bytescapes with 13 for entry number 7.  The image with second most individual votes is a Headwax image with 10 but HW already is first place so no duplicate placement. There are then 3 images with 6 votes each, two by Stezza and one by Diomede.  I'd say Stezza wins the tiebrakers because he has two images with 6 to only one with 6 by Diomede.  Also, Stezza has 14 combined votes for all images to Diomede's 6.  So, by my count

    First Place - Headwax

    Second Place - Bytescapes

    Third Place - Stezza


    I've attached a spreadsheet.  Someone please double check that I did not leave out any votes or miscode an entry.


    zip for war challenge
  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    It is so complicated these calculations!
    Why not calculate the points by entries, it would be righter and equitable for those who are not all the day on their computer but who have a regular work outside?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i haz an idea for next challenge, put a band together, musicians, band on the run, tee hee

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    DUDU said:

    It is so complicated these calculations!
    Why not calculate the points by entries, it would be righter and equitable for those who are not all the day on their computer but who have a regular work outside?


    I also find this form of scoring to be unfair.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    It is up to the challenge host how the scoring will occur.  I have no problem with the next host changing the scoring system, or the number of entries permitted, or the admissibility of animations, or the permissibility of postwork, or specifying the image dimensions, or requiring multiple sequential images to tell a story, or limiting the color palette to black and white, or anything else.  Personally, I'd like the voting to be anonymous and for voting to be ranked with 1st place votes being weghted.  I encourage (again) more people to express their views.  But we have a thread dedicated to that discussion.  It is not polite to Headwax to have that discussion in this thread immediately after it was announced that he appears to be the winner (anyone confirmed it yet?).


    Please do express your views.  And please read and consider the views of others.  Maybe do so in the following thread.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited January 2017

    Hi Diomede, thanks for doing the honours :) ! I haven't counted the votes I'm sorry.

    Yes the method of voting was c hanged to try and get more entries happening.

    I  think it has worked in that regard - but I didn't realise that it was turning people off, my apologies.

    When I changed it I did ask people's opinions first, and had no negative responses at the time. 

    For me it's all about learning Carrara and passing on what we know to others so we can all do better work.

    And learning from others!!!!!


    For me It's not about winning at all.

    If I was lucky enough to win this one I am very happy to donate my prizes to others who are trying to build up their content library but cannot afford it at the moment. 


    Post edited by Headwax on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Diomede, thanks for posting the link.  I had missed that thread.

    I too was feeling like the scoring seemed overly complicated, until I read the following post in that thread (from Headwax by a strange coincidence!).

    head wax said:

    Well when w e started the challenges (nb not contests ) it was all about getting a sense of community. I think in a lot of ways that has worked. The prizes were another way of attracting people.For the first one  I initially sent a lot of p m s to people and asked them to contribute ... To get the show on the road so to speak. It's all about sharing.


    in the past I feel a lot of people have not entered or try not to win, because doing a good job of Hosting is a pita. So the new rule about not having to host is a blessing.

    For me the rules as they are work quite well.

    eg upto three images

    1st is  the person with the most votes forall  their images - this encourages more participation.

    2nd is the person with the most votes for a single image

    3rd  is the person with the second  most votes for a single image

    (with the proviso as has been suggested that a person cannot win two prizes)

    The grey area is the HM - which I would prefer was used as an enouragement for a new user.

    Of course 'new user' is a hard definition. That has to be in the eye of the voter.

    After all, one (not the only)  reason to have these challenges is to show what Carrara can do and so attract new users.

    I think if we start getting uppity about the voteing being rigged etc then we are taking ourselves too seriously and should perhaps remove the prizes.

    That said, I think an important rule is to have WIPs and to  show the scene within Carrara -  that way we make sure things are really done in Carrara - I'm not at all saying that there have been images that have been done in other programes!

    but having a rule like that is a 'makesafe' to avoid the possibility.

    Seems reasonable to me, and actually kind of clever.

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235
    MistyMist said:

    i haz an idea for next challenge, put a band together, musicians, band on the run, tee hee


    Brilliant idea!


  • namtar3dnamtar3d Posts: 246

    I'm sorry again, i was very bussy. (Im still are), voting is now closed. 

    Stezza, i hope you get out from hospital soon as possible. Thanks for your work. 

    Alberto, your work is amazing, thanks for sharing it. I hope to see you in the next challenge. 

    Give me some hours to calculate results, i really need to sleep now. And again, i'm sorry for the errors with dates, i couldn't log in before. 


  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971

    Ack... I missed the voting!!  I thought it was today for some stupid reason...doh.   Get well soon, Stezza... will watch for next month's challenge. blush Silene

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited February 2017

    Namtar3d wrote

    I'm sorry again, i was very bussy. (Im still are), voting is now closed. 

    no worries, life is allowed to get in the way. 

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Stezza, Head wax, Bytescapes, and MDO2010, I have sent you a PM.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969

    Thank you Diomede


    cheers !

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