Latest version Daz Studio always crashes while rendering

Latest version already crashes the nvidia driver on my notebook when I render with IRAY. Is there a possibility to download former studio versions? 


  • There isn't a download for older versions if you didn't back it (and its plugins) up.

    What are your specs, and which driver version are you using?

  • BookieBookie Posts: 82
    edited January 2017

    Notebook Fujitsu Siemens, Win7 Prof 64-bit, Intel core i5-3320m CPU @ 2.60 GHz, 8 GB RAM, nvidia quadro K1000M 

    Open gl  4.5.0 nvidia 375.86

    Daz Studio Pro 64-bit

    Thx for your help. 

    Post edited by Bookie on
  • prixatprixat Posts: 1,590

    Someone posted in another thread that Optix was the problem, they also had a mobile GPU, I wonder if it's the same problem?

  • BookieBookie Posts: 82

    Optix Prime in render settings is off here. So it crashes without the optix option. Thanks for this tip.

  • The RAM is a bit limited, but not impossibly so. Does the GPU have its own RAM or does it use soem of the system RAM? Are theer actions which are more likely to cuase a crash or does it seem wholly random?

  • BookieBookie Posts: 82

    Hi Richard, I don't know much about my nvidia graphic chip regarding memory. What I definitely know is the fact that the new version crashes every time I hit the render button. And the version before didn't. I work  every week day in the same manner with studio but with the new version it crashes, with the old one not. This is a repeatable crash, very easy to reproduce here: new scene - loading g3m - hit the render button with the Iray render option. that's all,  no lights, no wardrobe, only g3m in the scene. It starts to render, after a while the screen turns black, then the OS says crash in nvidia gtx card driver, the driver restarts and studio comes back on screen, but remains frozen.

  • BookieBookie Posts: 82

    If you like I take a short video clip showing the whole process. 

  • prixatprixat Posts: 1,590

    I'm on a slightly newer driver, 376.33, is there a later one for your graphics card?

  • BookieBookie Posts: 82

    Thank you, I will give this one a try. I'll be back very soon. 

  • BookieBookie Posts: 82

    Driver 376.33 crashes as well. 

  • BookieBookie Posts: 82
    edited January 2017

    I think I've got the problem : rendering without optix crashes every time on my system, turning it on and it renders fine. Seems to be a bug, but I found a solution for me turning optix on. 

    Post edited by Bookie on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882
    edited January 2017

    I will repeat some information we were given yesterday, which may be relevant to your situation:

    There is a potential, depending on which drivers have been installed/updated and the sequence they were installed/updated in, to have latent files still sitting around from one of the installs/updates that are causing issues. Sometimes the only way to know/fix is to uninstall the current driver. Restart the machine; so that it is running on the minimal OS driver. Remove said latent files. Install the latest drivers from the manufacturer. Restart the machine.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • BookieBookie Posts: 82

    Thanks will give it a try. Please check on the other hand the optix off  option regarding crashes, that would be great. New releases always causes new bugs, that never appeared in former releases, I know that as I was a long time beta tester for maxon's cinema 4d.

    Thank you all for your assistance. 

  • vern22vern22 Posts: 0

    Driver 385.41 gtx 1080ti - Same problem, always crashes while rendering with IRAY.sad

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