Surface Properties and Render Speed Question in 3delight

What surface settings on objects, figures, environment, etc... can be changed to speed up 3delight renders? For example, I have found that raising glossiness to 100% dramatically decreases render time on that object. What other surfaces or settings, for that matter, can affect render speed?
I have also also noticed that figures in certain environments take longer to render than the same figure in other environments. What causes this? It's important to note that these environments are not iray and do not have large polly counts. By themselves, the environments render very quickly. When the figure(say Victoria 7) is by itself, that figure renders quickly. Put together, I have noticed that some environments slow the figure part of the render down quite significantly where other environments do not have such an affect. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any response:)
You have the choice:
Primitive, plastic like surfaces / objects and fast render or realistic outcome with a little longer render times.
Thanks AndyS! I also did some experimenting and taking away displacement maps under surfaces greatly speeds up the render process. Obviously this is not for higher quality work but it's good to know. I found that displacement maps in environments greatly affected render time of figures. If the gloss settings were turned to 0 on the figure, render time went faster.
When you have hair in a scene, or water, or plants, or anything at all that is transparent, I would use the Ubersurface or Ubersurface2 shader on it and set occlusion to override and 128. This alone can drastically speed things up. I hardly ever use 3Delight any more but this was a revelation for me back in the day! AprilYSH hairs already came with this tweak in their 3Delight shaders, you can see it if you own some.