HELP! Poser can't see files installed via DAZ Install Manager

Hi guys.
After major drive failure on my external graphics drive, resulting in the loss of years worth of work, and hundreds of collected models, I've started the slow , painful process of reinstalling everything I had backed up.
Luckily I've been able to access my old Daz3D account, and retrieve all my previous purchased models. This, and the batch install feature of Daz Install Manager (DIM), should make reinstalling my Daz models a breeze.
I've been unable to get Poser to see the files that I've installed through DIM. I'm running Poser Pro 2014. Which is installed in a seperate folder on my master drive called "Graphics". Everything has installed to the default DIM folder of C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library. Now when I go into Poser, and add this folder to the Poser library, I constantly get the message "This Runtime is already added". However, the ONLY content displayed within Poser, is the default Poser Pro 2014 content, that came with the programe.
I've even tried copying the runtime folder created within DIM, to the Poser folder, and mergining the content together. Again the only content shown in Poser is the stock content.
I'm baffled as to why Poser cant see the external DIM runtime content, even though it says it's already installed.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
If you keep going up inthe poser library panel until you hit the top what do you see - theer should be at least the default folder and the Downloads folder.
Ahh found it.
Yup it was further back in the library than the starting folder.