Installed Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 graphic card, Doesn't render in Daz Studio.

I installed yesterday a new Nvidia Geforce graphic card, GTX1080. But when I seems not to work well with Daz Studio. I can't render anything. The image of render is black. I tried with another program like 3D Studio Max and rendered with iRay, and it works good. So it's not a problem of the graphic card, It's a problem of the proram Daz Studio. Someone can help me? What should I do?
Make sure you have the latest version of Daz Studio (that includes a version of Iray that can use Pascal architecture), and double-check the gfx driver version
Is there anything else that needs to be checked? I ask because I have a similar issue. I just upgraded from a 960 to a 1070. Daz says it likes it and I believe I am at the latest version. When I ask about the card the Window shows the correct card and says all the features are green. When I actually render it ignores the video card completely and renders from CPU. It does not fail over to CPU it starts with CPU. I have confirmed in the render settings under the advanced tab that the 1070 is checked, and even went so far as to uncheck the CPU with no change. Will the Daz update not happen unless there is a Pascal enabled card is in the system? I am at work now so I was hoping to have a couple steps or ideas ready when I get home.
When I upgraded to a GTX 1080 last week, DAZ showed everything OK in the Render Settings Advanced tab, but it still gave a black render. My version was still at You need to be sure to upgrade DAZ to via DIM or manual download. Open DAZ and check you DAZ version in Help/About Daz. Once I upgraded to, my GTX 1080 is humming.
What version of the NVidia drivers do you have? Other threads have reported that the new Iray version must have a "recent" version of the NVidia drivers; apparently v372 is the cutoff point. If your drivers are older than this then Iray can't use GPU rendering.
so what is the speed of the gtx1080 ?do your render speed increase much?
Up-date Your Nvidia drivers to>>>376.33 laest force ware if win 7 or 10 and Daz V 493.3.166
Well update to Daz studio fixed my card problem. Of course once it worked I decided to not stop there and try something foolish. I put my old 960 back into the primary PCIe16 slot and slipped the new 1070 into the secondary slot. Once the system was up and running I set Daz studio to only use the 1070 for rendering and ignore the 960. I started a render (Direct to file). And then started a game of Fallout 4. Low and behold the render used the 1070 for the rendering and the game used the 960 without issue. Of course all of this also used up all 16 gigs of my ram and my CPU hovers somewhere around 75% but it does work without issue. I can now do my renders and also play games. This opens up so much. I still need to try interactive IRay renders with this configuration to see if it works and try a render that actually outputs to a new window but even if those don't work right it still opens up a hell of a lot of options and means I am not out the cost of the 960. So happy.