Can my computer choice survive accept conquer Daz3d?

Hello i would like to ask if the following computer i wish to buy will be able to A-Run Daz3d on it B-Handle rendering in Iray C-Not melt or burn up while rendering D-Have enough room for Photoshop and MS word
It's not the most powerful computer, but it appears to be the most afford to accomplish what i need to do: design render daz3d illustrations
I am not very computer savy so i'd like any advice anyone could give before a send Amazon nearly a thousand dollars
I thank you for any help you can offer
A - yes
B - yes, but scene size will be limited by the available VRAM of the card.
C - maybe; it WILL run hot using Iray
D - yes, but you may have issues if you run them at the same time
Not a bad machine, maybe a little light on RAM for 3D work, but that will depend on how complex your avaerage scene gets.
thank you for your help... I plan on rendering only shortly in iray i would take the image into photoshop and clean up any flaws... I would rather iray do all the work but as you said i don't want to burn up my laptop... what would esitmate the screen size would be... i would be saving the images out as PNGs i would like to design a full 3d scene with backgrounds but i could live with compositing the items together in photoshop... I would basicly render characters and scenes separately then put them together as images..
WIth that in mind and the limited amount of time using iray-no more than several minut4es would this computer be of value/ again thank you for your help.
I'd 'invest' in something like MSI Afterburner, if it supports the moble (M) versions of the cards - that will let you play with stuff like fan settings and thermal thresholds - might make things noisier but it also won't melt through your desk, lap, etc. ;)