About poses

I have spent a lot of time in DAZ Studio 4.9 toying with poses. I mostly use the Micah and Melody figures, and most of the time, when I attempt to select a preset pose for one or the other, a dialogue box appears with a message I have unfortunately never bothered to read, and two buttons in the lower right corner, one of which reads, "Turn limits off." I usually click that button, and the figure assumes the selected pose. I assume that the aforementioned "limits" refer to the fact that some poses weren't designed for certain figures, and yet they work (albeit with a little tweaking in some cases) as long as the "Turn Limits Off" option is selected. This (pardon the pun) poses the following question in my mind: If the aforementioned "limits" are turned off, then will any pose work with any figure?
A pose won't do anything if the figure it is being applied to doesn't have the same bones as the oen it was made for. If the starting position of the bones is very different between original figure and figure being used then the results may look bad (for example, the amount of bend on the zeroed feet has varied a lot across the Daz figures and as a result foot poses often need modification).