Total clean-up

Somehow my paths are completely wrecked up, and DAZ 3D doesn't find the contents anymore.
May I ask which folders I have to delete to make DAZ 3D re-establish everything?
Or is there perhaps a tool available that would cleanly un-install everything?
Thank you very much for the help!
How did you install? Manually, with DIM, with Connect, or a mix?
I don't remember. :-0
I would say a mix.
Well, that makes it trickier -especially as the manual installs may have ended up anywhere. Whata re your current Content Directories - Edit>Preferences>Content Tab>Content Directory Manager button?
I have tried something radical, and it worked:
I searched for "DAZ" on my main drive and deleted just everything the Windows 10 Search found.
Luckily, this revoled the problem for me. There were no registry settings that I needed to remove manually.
I'm happy.
Thank you!