BOSS Pro Light Set for Portraits & Promos [commercial]



  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017
    Mendoman said:

    @Knittingmommy Wow, that first image looks like a painting. I've been looking that kind of style with postwork for quite some time now. Did you use some special skin settings, or just default G3M skin?

    Thanks. No special settings.  No post work, either.  That's a straight out of DS Iray render.  I used everything in that render in the default settings on both the figure and the light setup.  It was just a test to see how everything came together before I started playing with tone mapping or any of the light presets.  The skin on the figure is straight out of the box Prince Albane II by @RawArt.  The lights were just the default "load the lights and see what happens".  I was impressed because I didn't have to do anything other than move my figure to line up with the mannequin provided by the light preset after I posed him.  Very convenient, by the way, that mannequin.  The only change I made was in moving the camera.  I didn't even change any camera settings.  I haven't even had a chance to read the PDF yet.  

    @Llynara  Thank you.  :)

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited February 2017

    Here's another straight out of the box render.  I added an emmissive to her staff and moved thr full length front camera in just a bit to make it three quarter length.  And then just hit the render button.  Going to have to postwork those eyebrows out though, they just don't look right with the make up lol.

    FIRE MAGE .png
    988 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • decedddecedd Posts: 31

    Sorry for my bad English, (I use a translator)
    I just read that there is an update for "BOSS Pro Light Set for Portraits & Promos"
    How do I get the update?
    I bought this item on 30 01 2017 ...
    I also have a problem with rendering. It stops at 5% with a character and max 10% with the mannequin. But I do not understand all explain "PDF", I have to translate it ... Maybe a small "tutorial" video for explain is welcome .... This is an idea
    Thank you for helping me.
    Best regards.

  • decedddecedd Posts: 31


    Désolé pour mon mauvais anglais, (j'utiliser un traducteur)

    Je viens de lire qu'il ya une mise à jour pour "Pro Light Set BOSS pour Portraits & Promos"

    Comment puis-je obtenir la mise à jour?

    Je l'ai acheté cet article le 30 01 2017 ...

    J'ai aussi un problème avec le rendu. Il arrête à 5% avec un caractère et max 10% avec le mannequin. Mais je ne comprends pas tout expliquer "PDF", je dois le traduire ... Peut-être un petit "tutorial" vidéo pour expliquer est la bienvenue .... Ceci est une idée

    Merci de m'aider.

    Meilleures salutations.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    The update is in DIM if you use that to load your product.

    I copied this from earlier in the thread to help explain why it stops rendering so soon.  If you merge the set into the scene, then it will keep your render defaults and run for the right amount of time.  Otherwise, follow the directions below. 

    I recommend using the "Content Library" pane instead of the "Smart Content" pane to load the light set. It is much easier to see how everything is organized, as each folder is its own step. 

    Also, the reason why your scene stops rendering so quickly is my render settings are set to 100 iterations by default. I have found that 100 iterations is sufficient for setting up a scene, and does not stress the GPUs too much. Then, when you are ready to render the final beauty shot, switch to the default 5,000 or whatever you need.

    I hope this helps!

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115
    edited February 2017

    Well, I followed your advice and I managed to come up with this image....

    Devin Leaning To The Right.png
    1000 x 1079 - 2M
    Post edited by Kev914 on
  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115

    BTW, is there a limit to how big a file should be? I'm not talking about the dimensions, but the actual file size.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589


    Where and what are they?

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115

    Iterations are the loops that the engine makes when you run a render. If you watch the small window that opens when you render, you will see a nunmber incrementing. I'm pretty sure that it is labeled iterations.

    I've never changed the iteration setting. But I'm sure that it's under the render settings. Someone will probably come along and show us where it is. If not, I'll try to find it the next time I use Studio.

  • Iterations are under Render Settings>Progressive Rendering.  The sneaky part is that they don't actually say "iterations."  To increase quality of renders (allowing them to finish baking), increase the slider that says "Max Samples" and the dial that says "Max Time (secs)".  That will let the render bake longer, which gives a less "grainy" picture.  I always set mine to the max, and usually do have to wait the three days until it runs out of time...

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Many thanks, for awhile there, thought I had a different program.

    If you don't have an image that takes three days to render you are not trying enoughsmiley


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Sorry I disappeared last night!  One other thing to note is that you don't have to wait for it to end on its own.  If its been two days (or 5 hours or whatever) and it looks good and things aren't really improving anymore you can stop the render where its at.

    KevinH that looks really good!  I can't answer on the file size as I don't know.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    If it doen't go for two days, it isn't worth much.


  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115

    Thanks for the kind words, Ice Dragon Art!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Most welcome!

  • BohorBohor Posts: 74

    Hey, just bought this fine set and have a question: how can you make a lightprop invisible while you still get the light of it? I mean, it's not so attractive to see a rimlight with honeycomb close to your model on the scene ;-)

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited February 2017

    @Bohor  " how can you make a lightprop invisible while you still get the light of it"


    Select the light. Parameters>Light>RenderEmitter>Off.  Seems counter-intuitive, but that's how it works. See the screenshot.

    Bohor said:
    504 x 577 - 55K
    Post edited by fastbike1 on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Hmm, interesting.  I was wanting for the lights to emit but not be visible.  I'll have to give this a try.  Usually when you do that the light doesn't work so that's interseting. 

  • BohorBohor Posts: 74

    @ fastbike 1: thank you for your answer. But the spotlight isn't the problem for me. (Sorry, English is not my motherlanguage)
    What I talk about is for example the '3-RIM LT SOFT (range: 3-8k)' of the BOSSLight. To keep the light of it without seeing the honeycomb material. When you click on that '3-RIM LT SOFT'-light in Scene tab and you go to parameters, there is no RenderEmitter button. So probable it's not possible that way.

    Put an examle with of just that light.


    At meanwhile I helped myself on another way: going to surfaces tab and put the parameter of 'Cutout Opacity' as low as possible, to 0.00001. Not totally zero or the render will be black. It's a way to hide that honeycomb in the render. There are still some very little white spots then, but easy to remove with little postwork.

    800 x 640 - 280K
  • Love this light rig; using it for my next promos, actually.  

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Love this light rig; using it for my next promos, actually.  

    Yeh it is great; always interested to hear in new products. :)

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited July 2017

    I just picked these up today, installed via connect/smart content. 

    Just to make sure I'm doing this right: 

    The first folder "Step 1 - Load Default Set" contains:

    • BOSS PLS Light Set FULL SET (Scene)
    • BOSS PLS Light Set RENDER SETTINGS (Render)
    • BOSS PLS Light Set SUBSET (Set)

    So I load the first one, the BOSS PLS Light Set FULL SET,  correct? Then I go to the next folder "Step 2 - Load Light Preset" and load one of those, correct? 

    Have I got this right? The second folder is broken down into Parts, Scripts, Subsets. What is the difference between the Parts and Subsets? And what exactly do the scripts do? 

    If I load the BOSS PLS Light Set SUBSET from the first folder, and then load BOSS PLS 5-FL-LT-D subset (the 'dramatic' one) from teh second folder, there looks like two sets of the lights have loaded in the scene tab. I see "BOSS LIGHTS (3-Full Length Front, RT, Complex)" and also "BOSS LIGHTS (5-Full Length, Left, Dramatic)". 

    Post edited by jakiblue on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited July 2017

    This is a really great light setup, but it takes a long time to render, even on my GTX 1080.

    Below is a render of G8F with skin from MDD Elphien for V4.


    1280 x 1080 - 491K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited July 2017

    Also would like to hide the mesh light (on the right), but have it still provide the light to the scene.


    1280 x 1080 - 486K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • The delay in render time may be due to using G8, as it requires about four times as much time to render. This light set is should be a fast rendering light set.

    Also note, you can hide the lights by setting their opacity to .00001. However, you will not benefit from the reflections if you do this. The resultant render will not look as nice. 


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited July 2017

    Thanks for the tips. I also thought, this set of lights should not take so long time to render.

    I have to investigate it more, because it may be also the issue with my computer getting too old.

    Post edited by Artini on
  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited July 2017
    jakiblue said:

    Just to make sure I'm doing this right: 

    The first folder "Step 1 - Load Default Set" contains:

    • BOSS PLS Light Set FULL SET (Scene)
    • BOSS PLS Light Set RENDER SETTINGS (Render)
    • BOSS PLS Light Set SUBSET (Set)

    So I load the first one, the BOSS PLS Light Set FULL SET,  correct? Then I go to the next folder "Step 2 - Load Light Preset" and load one of those, correct? 

    Have I got this right?

    Yes that is correct. Start with Step 1, load the default light set. Then move on the Step 2, loading a preset. And finally step 3, changing the backdrop material. 

    The subfolders are extras, for you to use in particular situations (like if you need to load the light set into an existing scene, you can use the subsets for that).

    The scripts are the presets (all they do is simply load both the spotlights and the mesh lights at the same time).


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited July 2017

    Really great light setup. Here is the render of another Victoria 8 based character with skin from:

    Rendering Time: 30 minutes 34.46 seconds

    GeForce GTX 1080:  4936 iterations, 20.977s init, 1804.221s render


    1280 x 1080 - 357K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited July 2017
    Artini said:

    Really great light setup. Here is the render of another Victoria 8 based character with skin from:

    Rendering Time: 30 minutes 34.46 seconds

    GeForce GTX 1080:  4936 iterations, 20.977s init, 1804.221s render

    Hmmm, 30 minutes does seem a little long for 5,000 iterations. I have two 1080 Ti's, and a portrait like that usually only takes a couple minutes for me.

    I wonder if the opacity/tranlucency of the clothing may be a factor here.... Maybe.... try a render without the top and see if that makes a difference?


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Close-ups take a lot longer to render than a full body shot. The hair can require many more iterations depending on structure.


    1080 - 2650 CUDA Cores,  2 1080TI 7168 CUDA Cores.

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