Perspective parameters

Hi everyone,
I've worked with perspective view on a scene. The problem is when I open it again, view has changed and none of the parameters has been respected, how do I lock a perspective view to open a scene as I saved it. I tried to lock parameters like rotation, so on, I even tried to create a new camera but it still doesn't work. Could anybody helps me ?
Thanks in advance and happy new year !
You can't literally save the Perspective View - it isn't saved or added to the undo stack. What you can do is add a new camera (Create>New Camera), click the More Options button, and check the radio button to copy the active viewport transforms - cameras are saved.
Create a new camera, set the viewport to use that camera, and make your changes with it. Then when DS loads and changes the view, you can just re-select the saved camera to get your view back.
Thanks both for your help, just need to be sure I understand it (I'm a newbie)
1. how do I check radio button to copy the active viewport transforms ?
2. how do I set the viewport to use camera ? Creating a new camera is not enough ?