Thank you DAZ for not correcting the duplicate formulas issue....


I'm so pissed of with daz. There's been a bug since 4.5, the one that says "duplicate formulas" with the genesis one figures, when you load a character with some specific morphs. I've been used to it, and only clicked ok, ok....but today, the first time in a new lap with the new 4.9 instead of correcting this annoying bug, you made it worse. I'm working on a new computer, so I tried to save one of those morphed figures (a char of a graphic novel I've been working for 5 years) with "save as character" and now in this version had a new bug and it said something like "you can't save a character that has not support asests saved.....". Then I saved support assets thinking (STUPIDLY) it was going to solve the problem, and the result: ALL THE FEMALE FIGURES, EVERYTHING FROM GENESIS FEMALE, VICTORIA 5, STEPHANIE 5, ETC... HAVE THOSE MORPHS BY DEFAULT!!! I reinstalled genesis essentials and genesis female base with DIM  and without any result. Is there a quick way to do it? Or I have to delete daz, download it again and reinstall it?

I know you daz developers are only concerned about your genesis 3 because there's the money, and you maybe don't care too much about people who use outdated figures (even we spent A LOT of money before). I can understand if you don't want to correct past issues with outdated products, but at least, please DON'T MAKE THEM WORSE THAN EVER.



  • This is not a DS bug, this is a bug in a particular piece of content (probably not from Daz either, most problem morphs are freebies, unless you are using very old copies of the Genesis morph packs in which case you should get updates from your account/Daz Install Manager) - reinstalling DS, or morphs that aren't the source of the issue, will do nothing. The on for all figures issue is that you saved a morph with a non-zero default value.

    To fix the always on morph, load the base Genesis and look in the Currently Used group in the Parameters pane - there will probably be only one morph listed there, I don't think base Genesis loads with anything on normally, but in any event it should be fairly clear which shape is the culprit (if you set it to 0 the shape will go away). Once you know which morph (or morphs) are at fault, click the gear icon on the slider and open Parameter Settings, then set the default and current values to 0. Finally use File>Save as>Support Assets>Morph Asset to save the morphs in question.

    If you still have the Duplicate Fomrulas issue after that, check the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log) and look back from the end for lines with Duplicate - that should enable you to identify the problem morph, which you should probably - unless it's vital - remove.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    The problem is that you saved your morph asset with a non-zero default value. You need to edit the morph to correct that: there should be a little gear on the morph dial enabling you to display the parameter settings, correct the default value and then re-save the morph asset.

  • This is not a DS bug, this is a bug in a particular piece of content (probably not from Daz either, most problem morphs are freebies, unless you are using very old copies of the Genesis morph packs in which case you should get updates from your account/Daz Install Manager) - reinstalling DS, or morphs that aren't the source of the issue, will do nothing. The on for all figures issue is that you saved a morph with a non-zero default value.

    To fix the always on morph, load the base Genesis and look in the Currently Used group in the Parameters pane - there will probably be only one morph listed there, I don't think base Genesis loads with anything on normally, but in any event it should be fairly clear which shape is the culprit (if you set it to 0 the shape will go away). Once you know which morph (or morphs) are at fault, click the gear icon on the slider and open Parameter Settings, then set the default and current values to 0. Finally use File>Save as>Support Assets>Morph Asset to save the morphs in question.

    Thanks a lot for your answer. Definetely it is a bug and is from DAZ. All my content is updated and installed by DIM. It's a new computer I have since last november, so I don't have any old version of anything. The thing is that on previous versions of DAZ I could "save as character" without a problem and with 4.9 it's not possible, because "assets were not saved". And with this new bug, caused because DAZ never corrected properly (the only thing they did is the process you kindly said, instead of doing by default in the new versions) the duplicate formulas in the morphs they designed, I entered this new Save support asset which lead to all this problem. The morphs that provoked this, are the genesis evolution body and head and genesis ethnicity, ALL DEVELOPED BY DAZ, the ones that were included in the pro bundle. I found the specific morphs (jaw size and round face) that were not in zero, saved assests again, and these morphs are fixed now and not preloaded. But, new problems started. I did the "save assests" with a victoria 5 and basic female, because that were the ones including those default morphs, and the result is that all the male figures now have victoria 5 and basic female by default, and what is awful is that the victoria 5 and basic female still had michale 5 morphed by default. Then I tried putting ALL MORPHS TO ZERO, and save assets again, (it said default genesis was saved) and nothing changed. Now every single genesis character, created in a new scene and loaded from an old file has victoria 5, michel 5 and basic female as default morphs. I attach a pic with the "abominations" that now are always loaded. Thanks for your help!


    3500 x 1968 - 2M
  • If you use Save Modified Assets that is likely to cause issues. Use File>Save as>Support Assetrs>Morph Asset to save only the oens that need it.

    Yes, the Genesis Evolution Morphs did have the duplicate foprmulas issue - but it was fixed when it became an issue, many DS updates ago (pre 4.5) - if you are getting this with a clean install of a freshly downloaded copy of the morphs then please make a bug report

  • Roboman28Roboman28 Posts: 210

    It is a bug and it from Daz. Occurred from the earliest days of Genesis. Reinstalling Genesis (1) might solve it but I have never bothered. The error message is mildly annoying but it does not appear to do any harm.

  • If you use Save Modified Assets that is likely to cause issues. Use File>Save as>Support Assetrs>Morph Asset to save only the oens that need it.

    Yes, the Genesis Evolution Morphs did have the duplicate foprmulas issue - but it was fixed when it became an issue, many DS updates ago (pre 4.5) - if you are getting this with a clean install of a freshly downloaded copy of the morphs then please make a bug report

    I tried the path you said, save as/support assets/morph asset with all morph parameters in ZERO, and it didn't solve anything, it was weird because it started saving files I never used like tamesis bundle, age base, whose parameters where all in ZERO.... I tried also save modified assests... and no resullt. I also deleted all the folders that were created in data. I've seen that genesis.dsf is always saved (with the hour and date of the file) and the result is the same. All figures have victoria 5, basic female, and michael 5 morphs as default. I'm afraid this is a worse bug. Any ideas? Thanks.

  • I wasn't suggesting you save all morphs - just the ones you tweaked to set the default value to 0 (you did that as well as setting the current value?). Check only those morphs when saving. Also make sure that you do not have multiple copies of the morphs in different content directories.

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