Why does posing a Genesis Character take so long?

I am relatively new to DAZ 4.9 and Genesis characters. Although I am not new to DAZ3D. I have been using DAZ for about11 years... however, I found all my needs met by the DAZ 3 generations. Until I had a major crash and discovered I had to upgrade to DAZ 4.9. So far, while there has been a learning curve I am doing fine. I write and illustrate graphic novels. My four published books were all illustrated using the DAZ 3 generations. I had completed 35 images for my fifth book when the crash occurred. There are usually 100- 150 images in each of my books. Since the crash, I have had to re-create the first 35 images, because I could not get my characters to look exactly like they did in DAZ 3.7. One of my characters is a female Genesis figure. Everytime I go to pose her, my program stalls. It can take 15 minutes for even the slightest adjustment..
I am using Windows 10 on a gateway desktop, AMD E1-1200 processor, AMD Radeon HD 7310 graphics, 4 Gig DDR3 Memory.
That does sound extreme. try adjusting the Display Optimsation settings in Edit>Preferecnes>Interface. Also, is the character clothes? If so, if you select the clothing figure(s) and look at the Parametrs pane is there a Mesh Smoothing group on the left? Smoothing can really slow the viewport downm and is better switched off until you are done posing (or as near as you can get without the clothing in its final form).