Question is, how do I get it to work?? It shows as installed, but all I see in my About Installed Plugins list under the Help menu is Genesis Generation X2.
When I open the GenX tab I cannot select anything in any of the fields.
I have been struggling with this for quite awhile now and would appreciate any help anyone can offer.
If someone can actually do this I would love to know.
On another note while I am here, how would I create this as an Actor once I have it done?

674 x 752 - 18K

1096 x 549 - 229K
On the GenX tab, click on "Connect Path" and make sure it's pointed to your Daz Connect folder.
Edit: Exit and restart Daz Studio so GenX will re-scan your changed Daz Connect path.
Note that GenX can only transfer the morph of your character, you will need other products in order to use the same texture on G3F as you are using on V5.
As in:
D:\Users\Public\Documents\My Daz Connect Library ?
Also see attached image....this was there after I selected the path under the Connect Path button.
EDIT: I restarted the program and now it seems to be working.
My next step would be to get the shape of my GF1 on to my GF3....any suggestions?
Not really concerned about the textures at the moment, just getting the shape of the character transfered from my GF1 to a GF3.
Any advice on that?