Sorting Items

I'm trying to get male and female clothing items sorted out so I don't have to search through everything if I'm looking just for a pair of pants for a male or female. For example, in "Pants", I created new sub-categories for "Male" and "Female", thought I moved the male pants to the Male sub-category, it disappeared from the main list, only to reappear a moment later in its same spot....the list even reorganized itself properly before resorting to how it used to be. The items show up just fine in the new categories. Trying to remove the reference didn't help, nor did simply trying to delete the item.
Cut and Paste via right click didn't work either.
I hope it is possible as many scenes simply throw everything into one big list shared by all the scenes and the list is several hundred items in size and takes time to navigate (yes, I may just be lazy!).
Have you tried the Filter By Selection check box in Smart Content?
It is selected. I'm going to try unselecting and then reselecting and see if that changes anything. Types of wardrobe are separated fine - except I'd like to keep male, female, and Generation items separated, I'd just like to do some more fine separating as mentioned above. Wardrobe isn't too bad, but when it comes to things like rocks, vegetation, fencing, and other props it gets cumbersome scrolling through it all.