carrara safe mode?

AbortRender?AbortRender? Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Is there anyway to launch carrara in "safe mode". Maybe a command line startup? Some king of debugging log I could enable? Is there any way to step through application startup and locate the crash area?


  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Is there anyway to launch carrara in "safe mode". Maybe a command line startup? Some king of debugging log I could enable? Is there any way to step through application startup and locate the crash area?

    Oh I wish! Carrara has no logging feature that I am aware of and its error messages suck. "An error occurred" is just about the most useless thing the program could display.

    If you have a repeatable crash condition and your kung-fu is strong; then you might be able to hook up a debugger that intercepts a crash on a second-chance exception. To take real advantage of that, you would need the private debugging symbols...and I'm pretty sure Daz doesn't give out the public symbols even...

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