How do you use IRay and make Spotlights and Distant lights?

i'm trying to use iray . I just switch to the Iray rendering mode. Then i see the change. my character looks more realistic.
But there's no spotlight nor distant light and it still lighten. i wonder why.
Then i try to put a spotlight, and i don't get the same results as the 3DDelight spotlights. In fact, i still see no change. it's the same as if i hadn't had a light in the scene.
My Question is, how do you create spotlights and distant lights that actually work like the ones in 3DDelight?
Keep in mind i'm a beginner with iRay. I've never really used it.
By default the HDRI environment light is on, and that wills wamp the effect of local lights such as points and spots. In the Evironment group of the Render Settings Editor tab either lower Environment Intensity or set teh mode to Scene only; you will probably then need to adjust Tone Mapping to see anything.
Thank you. I kind of got that about the Envirnonment default. i found it somewhere but i switch to Scene only and still spot lights don't work as they do in 3DDelight where everything is black but the spotlight lits up an opening. and directional lights don't worl that well either.
I also tried SOftboxes by using a plane(read about it somewhere) and it did nothing in Scene only mode. Any tips on that?
ok i'll keep trying to experiment thanks for the above.
Hi I report to you that now i understand how to make the distant lights and spotlights :)
But i stil don't know how to do Softboxes by using a plane
Two options. The simplest is to use the Area settings, under the Light group in the Parameters pane to assign a Light Geometry: select Rectangle and set the sizes as needed. Alternatively, or for shapes not supported by the lights, apply the Emissive shader preset from The Iray Shader presets to a model - a primitive (Create>New Primitive) for a plane or the like or an actual part of a model fro things like LED lights or computer screens.