I just updated and now all my panels are too large to use.

Essentially daz is acting like its got 2 more inches to the right of the screen which I can't see or find or scroll over to. So... I can tell that Genesis 3 has clothes, but I can't select or look at them.

1920 x 1040 - 220K
Here's another example... I can't scroll enough to see anythng.
Having a dimilar problem, my biggest issue is that the main viewport WILL NOT frame the entire view no matter what I do, and keeps the view-controls locked on the right hand side as if it's maximized. So basically I have to close all other panes to orbit change cameras or see anything, and even then I can't see the bottom of my render area.
Usually this is caused by the Shader Mixer/Shader Builder panes docked with the view port. Close those and the problem should go away.
Window->Workspace->Select Layout->Accept clears up the problem.