Updated to latest version of Studio and render times are crazy.

I was doing just fine, rendered several screens of increasing complexity, then started having a fatal error. So I updated to the latest version of 4.9 and my render went for an hour without writing once. So I looked at a couple of discussions and then updated my Nvidia driver and it hasn't seemed to help. I have a Titan X and currently its been running for 45 minutes without any progress. I'm using faded industry, which renders fast and I've got six genesis 3 figures plus two props plus a couple of other small figures in the scene. When it was at five g3 figs it was fine. I can't see what the problem is, though at least Studio isn't crashing now with the update. But this not rendering thing is pretty annoying, since that's the point of the thing. Having a Titan X should be a good thing, shouldn't it?


  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    If you found it rendered as usual with 5 G3 figures I would guess that the 6th G3 figure pushed it over your GPU Limit so its rendering on your CPU only so taking a very long time.

    Removing some Bump/Normal Maps on distant objects &/or reducing some texture sizes may help you to get everything on your card anyway- There is a free utility for texture reduction in the following thread




  • I did a simple scene and apart from lighting issues it did okay, then tried to re-render the other scene. I got:

    Elapsed Time: 12 hours 25 minutes 0 seconds

    Rendering in NVIDIA IRay
    Compiling Shaders - 0/1

    And no image whatsoever. I mean nothing, nada, zilch. And previously the render times had been about the same between adding one figure to another. I was creating a fight scene. Is there a way to tell what kind of resources I'm using before render time? Because it just doesn't feel like I should be pushing the limits of a 12 GB card considering it has no trouble displaying the viewport so easily in whatever the best (I think) mode.  

  • Just tried to render a previous saved scene (that rendered just fine), with one less character than my latest and it doesn't render any farther than my more advanced scene. So whatever is going on doesn't seem to be related to the number of characters in the scene but to the update. I've got the latest 4.9 and the latest Nvidia driver so??? Anyone? 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    In Render Settings, did the checkmarks to select your GPU get unchecked?

    Check the log file (under Help/Troubleshooting menu) to see what it says about GPU/CPU use. Did it try to render with the GPU but give up and roll over to CPU because of a lack of video memory on the GPU?

  • Titan X with 12GB of vram. What the Current Hardware Features tell me: 

    Current OpenGL Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 376.33

    OpenGL Provider: NVIDIA Corporation

    Hardware: GeForce GTX TITAN X/PCIe/SSE2


    MultiTexturing Supported

    Shadow Map Supported

    Hardware Antialiasing Supported

    OpenGL Shading Language Supported

    Pixel Buffer Supported

    Pixel Buffer Size 1024 x 1024

    Maximum Number of Lights 8

    Number of Texture Units 4

    Maximum Texture Size 16384 x 16384


    In my Advanced Render Settings for Photoreal I have both CPU and GeForce GTX Titan X checked. OptiX Prime Acceleration is checked (whatever that is). And Interactive Devices CPU and GeForce GTX Titan X both are checked as well. I could uncheck CPU I suppose. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    OK, good, your GPU is selected. You gave your card specs, but have you examined the log file? It will show you a play by play of what memory it needed, whether it could allocate it, and what device(s) it was able to use for the render, and if any errors occurred.
  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    As you have Optix enabled in advance settings try unchecking that as I have had a scene that refused to render with that checked although it fitted in my GPU memory sadly  I can't remember what it was now

    After that & if the log does not help then I guess I would remove one thing at a time from the scene to try & identify what is causing the problem which is a pain but perhaps the only way to find out :(

  • @Dareshiranu I had a similar problem when I first tried the new version. ATottallou's solution worked for me. Uncheck the Optix box. I did send in my logs to tech support, here is their response. I don't have the technical know how I'm afraid more than trial and error though.

    Emmalee Hurst, Jan 6, 15:33 MST:

    One possible solution is to clear the DS and DSON cache.

    By default, they are located here:
    C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp
    C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\dson\cache

    If you can not see your AppData folder, type %appdata% in the Start menu and Windows will open the hidden folder.

    Simply delete the files in these folders.

    This article may also be of some assistance:


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    Another thought - is it possible that Daz Studio was running when you did the update? That causes problems. You could try shutting it down,uninstalling, and reinstalling.
  • I've encountered a similar problem. I have a simple 1 figure (Genesis1 with K4 mats) scene with UberEnvironment2 lighting. With slight variations I've rendered it 6 or 7 times previously taking on average 45 minutes each. Updated to the latest Daz3d Studio with Iray and the last render took 1 hour 45mins and when completed it still had a grainy, unfinished texture. None of my render settings have changed. I have a Quadro K2200 graphics card, 8 core 4.5 ghz AMD processor, 16gb ram.

  • Checked my log file and it appears that CUDA couldn't be used as my Cuda drivers were out of date. Hopefully this was the cause of my problems. Downloading new drivers now, I'll post the results.

  • VanguardVanguard Posts: 486
    edited January 2017

    I read this topic because I was finding iray render times taking outrageously longer after the update and came looking for help. An image I could render to 1200 iteration in 90 seconds was getting to only around 40 iteration in 90 seconds after the update. Nothing here really helped. Frustrated, I was about to go back to a previous version when I decided to check my OS graphics card driver settings. I had updated the GTX980 driver along with DAZ. Sure enough, the driver update had enabled SLI for my two 980s. Disabled SLI and retried the image. Much better. Rendered to about 3000 iterations in 90 seconds. Phew!

    Bottom line, make sure SLI is DISABLED if running multiple cards.

    Post edited by Vanguard on
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