Released - Ancient Legendary Armor [Commercial]



  • Cool pic Greg! Nice lighting

  • unknownmystery445unknownmystery445 Posts: 414
    edited February 2017

    Kindly make more clothes on this kind of genre! I really like it, sort of like Warcraft-ish. Looking forward for more of your future products! :)

    Post edited by unknownmystery445 on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,090

    This turned out so much cooler than I thought it would be, which was pretty cool to begin with.

  • Dayum. This armor looks incredible on some Warhammer 40,000 style.

    I want it and I do have a MALE character that would wear this. I'm willing to lose the bra, so is there anyway I could get this onto a male character?

    I know auto-fit will probably ask who, "Who is this For" and I will be saying Genesis Female...and see what happens..then full bodysuit.

    Anyone do this from time to time or is that a very bad idea?

    What have you done?

    What would you do?


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    Romulus71 said:

    Cool pic Greg! Nice lighting

    Thanks Romulus - it's just sun/sky (with HDR processing of the 32-bit file outside of DS). It's funny . . . I was just reading another post the other day where somebody was wondering if anyone used sun/sky, and why it was even included when you could just use HDRI. For me, sun/sky renders super fast and looks awesome. Plus, I find it much easier to set the position using the sun node rather than futzing with HDRI rotation if you're not using realtime in the viewport.

    - Greg

  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636
    edited February 2017
    avxp said:

    Dayum. This armor looks incredible on some Warhammer 40,000 style.

    I want it and I do have a MALE character that would wear this. I'm willing to lose the bra, so is there anyway I could get this onto a male character?

    I know auto-fit will probably ask who, "Who is this For" and I will be saying Genesis Female...and see what happens..then full bodysuit.

    Anyone do this from time to time or is that a very bad idea?

    What have you done?

    What would you do?

    I believe somebody did put it on a male character in Strangefate's other thread. Let me try to dig it up for you - brb . . .

    ETA: Google is your friend! Different thread, but here is FirstBastion's use of the Kadis Armor on a dude:

    Hope this helps.

    - Greg

    Post edited by algovincian on
  • Thank you!



    Man, I love this place.

    You guys are killing my finances.

    Something incredible every day. Please stop.




  • EamonEamon Posts: 159

    That's some great looking WarCraft like armor. That cape though is exactly what I need. It's the first worn cap I have seen Daz make. Can this cape be seperated fropm the armor? does it have movement? If not then I hope Daz will consider making a seperate worn cape...with hood options. :) 

  • I promise I will purchase Friday the 17th... Swear. With textures.

    Absolutely amazing looking product!! Can't wait to see what else you release in the future.

    (I wanna be a tester lol)

  • Talk about insta purchase.  INCREDIBLE SET

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    edited February 2017
    Gazukull said:

    Talk about insta purchase.  INCREDIBLE SET

    Couldn't agree more!!!! I am not that big on the bulky armor look, but there are more than enough other parts to this package to keep me happy and make it very versatile with kitbashing.

    Only one thing left to say........MORE PLEASE!

    Here is a quick render, thanks again!


    1544 x 870 - 1M
    Post edited by FSMCDesigns on
  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017
    avxp said:

    Dayum. This armor looks incredible on some Warhammer 40,000 style.

    I want it and I do have a MALE character that would wear this. I'm willing to lose the bra, so is there anyway I could get this onto a male character?

    I know auto-fit will probably ask who, "Who is this For" and I will be saying Genesis Female...and see what happens..then full bodysuit.

    Anyone do this from time to time or is that a very bad idea?

    What have you done?

    What would you do?


    @FirstBastion did a great image putting the Kadis armor on a male figure.  It looked great. 

    Edit to add: I forgot to add that I have found that Strangefate's Kadis fits to a number of varied figures really well.  He did a great job!

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • My first render using Kadis. So much detail! Can't wait to play with this set this weekend!

    1100 x 1300 - 311K
  • Thanks for all the interest!.

    I'll be doing more stuff like this for sure :)

  • EamonEamon Posts: 159
    Gazukull said:

    Talk about insta purchase.  INCREDIBLE SET

    Couldn't agree more!!!! I am not that big on the bulky armor look, but there are more than enough other parts to this package to keep me happy and make it very versatile with kitbashing.

    Only one thing left to say........MORE PLEASE!

    Here is a quick render, thanks again!


    I like to kit bash too. Can the parts be seperated out? I am especially after that cape and knee leather.

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816
    edited February 2017

    Hey, the knee leather can be separated, the right and left side are separate wearables.

    The cape is attached to 1 set of shoulderpads, so I´d say no. If you hide the shoulderpads, the cape will be just floating awkwardly.

    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Hey, the knee leather can be separated, the right and left side are separate wearables.

    The cape is attached to 1 set of shoulderpads, so I´d say no. If you hide the shoulderpads, the cape will be just floating awkwardly.

    Yep, discovered this yesterday when playing around with it. If you have something else on the shoulders you can make the shoulders pads transparent and move them to make the cap connect with the figure

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    Still a WIP. Such nice fantasy armor. I love the included poses. Super efficient to use.

  • Greybro - The beauty of the armor pales in comparison to its wearer surprise

  • Hi Strangefate,

    Firstly I'd just like to say how much I LOVE this armour set!! Bought it as soon as I laid eyes on it. It is extraordinary in its design and texturing.... just fantastic!

    I was wondering if there might be a way of removing the skull mask as an option. I have experimented with hiding the geometery of that part which looks good from a distance (the helmet looks great like this as a Valkyrie style headgear} however the edges of the helmet are open, and are noticeable at close range. I've tried with limited success exporting the part as an obj and removing and sealing the open edge in Hexagon 2, though I seem to lose the texture mapping when I do this. It would be great to be able to separate the helmet into two independent watertight meshes (skull mask and headgear) for further 'kit-bashing' fun!

    Anyway, just a suggestion for a possible update to a truely awesome ensemble.    smiley

  • Hey Fenris,

    I just saw a gallery image of someone who hid the skull mask and yeah, had I thought of it, I would have totally built it so that it could be hidden. I'll be spending more time thinking about these things on future stuff for sure.

    I'll see what I can do. It should be easy to break up the mesh, seal the holes and just save the 2 as new props. I'll make a note and over the next few weeks I'll see to do it.

    Daz is still new to me so I'll have to check if I could just release that as a freebie or if I can indeed update a product and how painful that process would be.


  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    Greybro - The beauty of the armor pales in comparison to its wearer surprise

    Thanks, Stragefate. I feel that a pithy dermatology joke is in order, but I've got nothing. I love this armor!

  • Hey Fenris,

    I just saw a gallery image of someone who hid the skull mask and yeah, had I thought of it, I would have totally built it so that it could be hidden. I'll be spending more time thinking about these things on future stuff for sure.

    I'll see what I can do. It should be easy to break up the mesh, seal the holes and just save the 2 as new props. I'll make a note and over the next few weeks I'll see to do it.

    Daz is still new to me so I'll have to check if I could just release that as a freebie or if I can indeed update a product and how painful that process would be.


    Wow! Thanks for your response, that would be awesome. The whole set doubles as a very fitting, death-themed Valkyrie outfit once you can see her face!


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Nice Greybro!  I have to agree the poses were a definite bonus!  I really can't wait to see what comes next.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    edited February 2017

    Nice Greybro!  I have to agree the poses were a definite bonus!  I really can't wait to see what comes next.


    here's another render with this great set.


    1544 x 870 - 2M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • EamonEamon Posts: 159

    Hey, the knee leather can be separated, the right and left side are separate wearables.

    The cape is attached to 1 set of shoulderpads, so I´d say no. If you hide the shoulderpads, the cape will be just floating awkwardly.

    My character has shoulder pads so if that does indeed work, I may go for it and combine it with the hag hooded cloak. :)

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816
    edited March 2017

    Product has been updated fixing a small bug on the left sie of the chest armor when using rather large breasts.

    Also broke up the facemask as some had suggested and added them as new wearables to the product:

    Post edited by StrangeFate on
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    Thanks for the changes to the mask. Adds a lot of diversity.

  • Romulus71Romulus71 Posts: 144

    Thanks for the update Strangefate!

  • StrangeFateStrangeFate Posts: 816

    Np, thanks for purchasing it!

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