Problems using GenX2

I have purchased the GenX2 add on for Genesis 3 and 2. As well as the ones for V3, M3, A3, etc. Under source it only shows Genesis and in the warnings it says error reading definition and it looks like it has the G3M, G3F, G2M and G2F. I am using Daz Studio 4.9 Pro. Do I have to uninstall? And HOW do I uninstall? Thank you.


  • grinch2901grinch2901 Posts: 1,246

    I don't have it in front of me so I can't give the correct names but as I recall you can click the source button and navigate to the location of the figure you want to use, you don't have to use the dropdown and in fact, I never do. I don't know about the errors, maybe you have those other figures in a different library. Try to manually select the figure and see if that does the trick.

  • I have only installed the figures through the installer so I don't know where they are at. Also it is only showing the Genesis figure as the Target, so even if I want to use a Genesis to Genesis 2 or 3 it will not work. How do I install manually and where. I have always used only the installer.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404

    In order to use Gen X to transfer morphs from non-Genesis figures you have to own the base of those figures, not just the Gen X plug in. For example to move a morph from V4, V4 base must be installed. As Grinch says, you then click source and navigate to the V4 CR2 and select this. I generally select a fully loaded V4 CR2, ie one with all the V4++ morphs etc already injected.

  • I do own both Genesis 2 and Genesis 3. It will not allow me to drag and drop.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404

    I do own both Genesis 2 and Genesis 3. It will not allow me to drag and drop.

    Everyone owns Genesis 2 and 3, as they come for free, I was refering to the older base shapes, ie V4, M4 etc that are not free. What do you mean by "It will not allow me to drag and drop". To transfer shapes using Gen X you do not need to drag and drop at all, just select the source, and target, and then optionally apply a Pose to the source to inject a character (this is normally only need for the older, ie pre Genesis shapes). After that select the morphs you want to transfer and click "Transfer". Over at the PA Commercial Products forum you will find a thread dedicated to this product, and you might want to try posting to this to seek assistance, since the developer of the plug-in is watching this thread, as well as other long time users of it.

  • Thank you for this suggestion.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    If you install any genesis/2/3 essentials or content with with Daz Connect, click on the "Connect Path" button and make sure it's pointed to your Daz Connect folder.  GenX2 will scan it's folders for GenX2 usable content.

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