Completely unable to use Daz3d- Solved!

Hello everyone,
I've been using Daz3d for a pretty long time and to be honest, never faced any critical problems with it until now.
So the thing is, since the last 2-3 weeks I wasn't able to get the program to be running at all,
and from what I have researched online, no one has faced this problem before.
The problem occurs like this:
1. I open the Daz3d executable file, it executes normally and runs the launcher.
2. After the launcher has finished loading I get a "Resource Time Error" pop-up window (**Which I also got long before this problem ever started happening**)
It says that "A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established".
3. Until now, while this pop up would always show when I launch Daz, The program was already viable on the screen and ready to use,
But now when I launch Daz I do see this pop-up message and the "Welcome" pop-up page, but not the program itself (If I close both pop-ups it's like there's nothing there).
When trying to reclick the "DS" icon from the tasks nothing happens too.
4. Now the weird thing is that it's like it is running invisible; On the task bar it shows like it is normally operating with all the memory consuming and everything else.
A second proof to the invisible running is that if I stay with my mouse on the 'active' "DS" icon it doesn't show any frozen or stuck screen, it just shows completely nothing.
Just to be clear, I already tried reinstalling the program, different ways to execute, restarting my pc and other average user possible solutions.
Please help me solve this ASAP
Thank you for paying attention,

Hover over the icon in the task bar when ds is running; when the menu apears right click on it and choose restore or maximise.
I don't believe it actually worked!
Thanks very much!
It was opening Minimised, as if you had clicked on the - sign at the top right of the main window. I have had this happen with a few programs if I am running the all at the same time and I click on a window to minimise it and it doesn't go so I click again and it minimises the program below it too. I close the programs and then when I start that one back up it starts minimised and doesn't show as if it hasn't started :)