Cannot Move More Than One Object At Once... why not?

I don't know why DAZ suddenly started doing this, but I used to be able to select 2 or more objects at once and move them around the scene as needed... now I can't. Whether I move them in the viewport or by their x, y or z values, no longer will more than one object move. This is beyond frustrating and I cannot find the control or controls that will get rid of this unncessary and ridiculous change to DAZ Studio. Can someone please help fix what should never have been changed in the first place? >_>
Do you have a check mark by Consolidate Properties in the Parameters pane? That will allow you to select multiple items in the Scene pane and move them with the Parameters dials. They will move to the same place, though, as though you typed the same value into their coordinates.
You can also create a group and put your items into the group and then move the group. Select the items in the Scene pane and select Create/New Group... from the menu.
You want Consolidate proeprties on and Display Separate Items off.
I made those changes. Still can only move one item at a time.
I do know of the group thing but these items don't belong in the same group. :/ Seems against a good work flow, too.
Another thing I cannot figure out is why suddenly the scale too is forcing me to scale an entire x, y or z side WITHOUT chosing if I want to only scale from the left or right of the object. Instead scaling happens from the middle of whatever you're trying to scale, but I thought we could only grab one side to scale it (for example, trying to drag one side up to another item WITHOUT moving the other side of the object, which I want to stay right where it is).
Scaling has always been cetnred on the centre-point, just as rotation is.
You can scale from just one side like you say by using the joint editor tool with the item selected and moving the red and green gizmos to the point you want it to rotate from. Let me know if that makes sense
OR scale from, thats what i meant to say.