Hair Won't Go On The head

It was working fine before... but somewhere along the way I wanted to try a different hair on the character. Now, no matter what I do ANY hairs will not go onto the head. They all go to the middle of the chest. I have tried everything I can think of:
- parent/unparenting
- restarting DAZ
- will not allow me to use translation at all
- fitting to the character
- saving the character preset and loading him up again
Now if I delete this character and load a new scene the hair loads fine... what did I do?! I worked very hard on this guy's body shape and don't want to lose what I have.

Screenshot 2017-01-03 12.43.12.png
1920 x 1080 - 733K
For starters you could delete the hair and save the character so you don't lose your work.
This is a custom morph? The first thing I'd check is in the Parameter Settings for the morph, whether "Auto Follow" is on. If not, the hair will load where it would be on the unmorphed figure.
That was exactly it! I took the autofollow off by accident and he is about 7 feet tall. Thank you for the help!