Fitting Toon Generation clothes to Toon Generation 2 figures

I thought I read somewhere that you could use the old Toon clothes with the new Toon characters. If so, I have been unable to figure out how to do it. Was I wrong? Or am I just just too dense to figure it out ;-)
Yes, you read that but that was incorrect. You can, with the proper DAZ Store products, fit V4/M4, Genesis, G2F, G2M, G3F, & G3M to Toon Generations 2 though.
Well the G3M & G3F fit Toon Generations 2 without buying extra products as that is part of Genesis 3 Essentials. And that's true for G2M fitting G3M and G2F fitting G3F. For Genesis you fit to G2F or G2M and then load a G3F or G3M and re-parent the Genesis clothing you previously fitting to G2M or G2F to the G3F or the G3M as needed.
The Toon Generation 2 do come with a clone to fit the original Toon Generation clothes. When you select the clothes the autofit box should come up with a selection of toon generations available in the drop down list. I've done it with a few pieces and so far they work pretty well. This shows the original toon generations football outfit on Gen 3
Thanks for correcting me.
Thank you.