Are the G3 figures single skinned?

Does G3F/M require morphing against the entire figure as the previous versions, or can you export only specific body parts to work on? I tested on my own and get mesh errors on import, so I figured I'd check to see if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just not possible.
To note, I did export the entire figure and removed parts in an external app. If this is possible, do I need to export the bits I want out of DS from the beginning?
Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
You need to work with the complete figure. Removing parts will cause errors, no matter what app you use to do it.
FWIW, all the Genesis figures need to be morphed as a complete mesh. I think this applies to using D-Formers as well as exporting to an external modeller. The figures from before Genesis are different because they were made for Poser and were assembled from bits and pieces which were welded together; D|S does things differently with objects set up in its own native file format.