What's with the Optimizing images thing?

I used to use DAZStudio 3 and it never did that. now with the latest version 4.9, you start a render and instead of going right into rendering you get a pop up box with a fill bar and a listing of some number out of some number and at the top it says "Optimizing images" SOmetimes it can be rather large like 50 or 100 and it has to go through each before the render starts. It's fast, not a super slow process.
But i hope it doesn't do that for every image if i render a movie or image series
The way compressed animated file formats (which is most of the popular ones) are supposed to work is you give the program creating an animation the sequence of images that comprise that animation in order and the program uses an algorithm to only use deltas between all those sequence of image files that make up the animation. That is supposed to save much space in file size.
Optimisation is a 3Delight thing - it did happen in DS 3, but the precise timing of the step has varied. It's the TDLMake tool converting the images used on the models to .tdl files - which contian versions of the base iamge at various resolutions, so that 3Delight can save memory by using only the size it needs and not the (often large) base image.