Weight mapping?

RaneRane Posts: 148

Okay, so I'm not new to rigging a model, however I've only recently (As in yesterday) got started learning weight mapping on an object.  I understand the theory and practice behind it and find it fairly easy up to a point.  What I'm having issues with is basically, is there a way to weld verticies together on a figure durring the weight mapping process to make it so that you don't get seams coming apart?  Or... is there a technique I'm not seeing in the mapping process?


EDIT:  One more thing before anyone tries to answer this.  I get so far into the weight mapping, and when I go back to try and fix something, the maps are all jacked up.  Whats up with that?  Also, why is it I can erase some of the red verticies some of the times but not others?

Post edited by Rane on


  • Do you need the vertices to be unwelded at other times? If not it would be better to weld the model initially.

    Weights are normalised, they have to add up to 1 across all maps for each vertex (or in a TriAx figure each axis/scale parameters has to add up to 1 across all maps). Erasing weight from one map adds it to another, sometimes that can be an issue (leading to blocked erasure) and it does mean that editing a map will have knock-on effects on others.

  • RaneRane Posts: 148
    edited January 2017

    Oh.  Well, that figures, doesn't it?  I thought each weight map was seperate for each bone.  This is going to complicate things a little I think.

    Doesn't that mean though that I can do one set across all the geometry and then be done with that set?  IE, select the head bone, X rotation and do the weight mapping for that selection across everything, and I'm done?


    Post edited by Rane on
  • Rane said:
    Doesn't that mean though that I can do one set across all the geometry and then be done with that set?  IE, select the head bone, X rotation and do the weight mapping for that selection across everything, and I'm done?

    I'm not sure what you mean.

  • RaneRane Posts: 148

    Well, what I had figured from that post of yours is that I could make one weight map for everything on one axis of rotation.  Didn't work.

  • No, you need a weight map for each bone affected.

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