Content Management install

I have a question about the content management installer during daz install. Is it mandatory to install it in order to use ds or can I skip that part? I've heard the pros and cons about it but, I have never heard anyone ask if it's a must.
If you are planning on making content to absolutely need it.
But as of now, no it isn't absolutely needed, yet. I imagine it will be when the downloader/installer is up and running...
Thanks mjc1016! At the moment not planning on making anything to distribute. I'm trying to get myself re-acquainted with DS , it's had lots of changes since I last did anything in it that was useful. I've tried to get it installed it's taken me a few months to get it installed and working only this time I skipped the content management installer see if that would help. So far content is showing up with textures when brought into the scene.
I've never actually used ds content in ds, I've always used it as a substitute for poser. Another question. Is the ds content in the metadata files?
Shoudn't be...the metadata files should just be the stuff that the CMS uses. I never installed any separate metadata files, so I'm not sure what, exactly, is in them...maybe Fixmypcmike, Richard or Adam will know.
Thanks for the help mjc1016! :)
I'll keep checking back to see if any of them will have a look in here . :)
In the mean time I have another question? lol
Does DS have a preferred state option when you set up your work window like poser does?
I changed the work window area and floor to what it used to be, so that when I bring a figure in I can actually see their feet , not like it does
by default with their feet not visible and the floor tipped almost half way up the window sideways. I want to be able to save it so that when I
open ds it will look normal with the floor flat and not sideways. Only I can't find a way to save it that way . Is that possible?
I'm sorry to be such a pain ... but I have another question ?
How can I manually add content to the library? I don't see it anywhere.
Any help would be very much appreciated! Thank you :)