Hand Grip Lock/Unlock for Genesis

Is there a way, by means of a script or pose preset, to toggle on or off the locking of hand/ finger positions/rotations?
I know you can select all finger joints and click the lock icon in preferences, but this is a chore having to do this every time I change the figure pose.
This product has a feature for locking hand poses, but its for M4, will this work for genesis figures?
Thanks for your help.
That would be fairly easy to script - get the figure (or figures) with
var item = Scene.getPrimarySelection();
for one figure or
var items = Scene.getSelectedNodeList();
then make sure you have the actual figure, rather than a bone or a prop, with
if ( item.inherits( "DzBone" ) ) {
item = item.getSkeleton();
else if ( ! item.inherits( "DzSkeleton" ) {
item = undefined;
then you would need to get the bones
var bone = item.findNodeChild( "lHand" , true );
and for that the rotation controls
var control = bone.getXRotControl();
and then for each control
control.lock( true );
Thanks so much for replying, this is great, but I don't know how to write a script.
Well, if no one else comes through remind me after Christmas and I'll do it - right now I have one family Christmas car left to make, and I'm not liking the time available for making it.
Richard is building a Christmas Car! I want pictures! :)
Rumour has it that he is working from this blueprint, but of course rumour could always be wrong.