
Hi -
I used DAZ Install Manager to install Elebeast
If I go to Products>E I see Elebeast poserCF and a number of entries for Shape, materials, tusks - but clicking on any file gets popup saying 'Could not open file: File does not exist"
(also tried loading genesis first and then clicking these without any luck.
I see an ! Exclamation point icon next to each file - couldn't recall if that meant contaent had to be downloaded/installed to actually bring content in from cloud (but not seeing an option to do that)
Just rescanned my directories, and see D:/Users/Robert/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library listed (which is where the files are)
Any ideas on what's going wrong or what I need to do?
Remember, that folder is where DAZ|Studio looks for installed content. Did you check that's where DIM installed your critter? The two programs don't talk to each other about content locations, it's much too easy to accidentally have them pointing in different places.
also, it sounds as if you may have installed the PoserCF package (files to enable use in Poser) but not the base package (the actual shapes and textures).
Just checked inside DAZ install manager, and shows both Poser CF (4.3MB) and regular version (96.9MB) installed. Both are in D:/Users/Robert/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library which IS listed when I scan directories inside of DAZ. Suggestions for what I should try?
Have rescanned folders - and !Exclamation icons now gone - and I can load EleBeast tusks - but don't snap to right spot and still not morphing genesis into EleBeast. haven't used DAZ for a long time. Can anyone walk me through the steps i should need to take.
If I don't have genesis in the scene, then
Clicking 1 EleBeast_MOR_duf gives "An error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details'
Clicking Help >Troubleshooting>View LogFile does NOT bring up a log file for me.
If I do have Genesis in the scene and selected,cicking EleBeast_MOR_duf or EleBeast_MOR.pz2 don't seem to do anything (no morphs are made and don't see new option to morph genesis into elebeast)
Any suggetsions?
Yes, that's right, the MOR file assumes you're wanting to apply the character morph preset to a Genesis figure already in the scene. That's the typical error you get when you run a preset (usually a morph or texture) with no figure to apply it to.
Are you sure you're using the right Elebeast character and the right Genesis figure? There's an Elebeast for the original Genesis, and there's the new Elebeast for Genesis 3 Male. Also note that the original Elebeast needs the Troll for Genesis character, the new one doesn't need anything extra.
Hi SpottedKitty -
Yes, this is the correct EleBeast Character (the one for Genesis not Genesis 3)
I do have 'Troll for Genesis' and that works fine. (also looks to be a permanent morph built into the Genesis figure, where I can either adjust a slider to set 'Troll' up to 100% or I can navigate to Troll for Genesis and apply the morph.
Once I do that, I can apply the Mat files to make Genesis Troll pink, blue, or tan. I can also attach the trunk - which gets grafted in the right place, and leaves an empy area (or invisible polygons) at the attachment point if I hide the trunk. The trunk appears too small, however, maybe 1/2 to 1/3rd size shown in promo images.And the tusks are set a small ways away from the face, though in roughly the correct position.
When I double click or drag the EleBeast morph onto Genesis/Troll nothing seems to happen. have tried both the .duf and .pz2
Not sure what to try next.
No, the "Requirement: Troll" doesn't mean you manually apply the Troll shape, the Elebeast preset does that automatically — you only need to have the Troll installed. That might be part of your problem, if you end up with the wrong amount of the Troll shape (the Elebeast might not need it at 100%) the head shape will be wrong and the tusks and trunk might not fit properly. Always start from a base Genesis, then add the Elebeast (or any other) morph preset.
BTW, the "permanent morph" thing is how all Genesis shapes work; they are all permanently installed on the Genesis figure, but they don't actually get loaded into any Genesis you have in your scene unless the parameter is set to a non-zero value. This saves loading time, and reduces the amount of memory needed to hold the figure in your scene.
Ah - thank you - have it working now.
I think I may not have had Troll for Genesis 'installed' the first time I tried Elebeast (I had it in my content library, but may not have right click installed - so didn't work that first time i simply tried the EleBeast morph.
Thanks for the help.