where should everything go?

I just got a new hard drive so obviously I need to re-install all my content. I 'll be usingI install manager when ever possible but in order ot prevent the mess of having my content spread all overthe place where should I be installing everything in cases whn I have to do it manually
Hard to say as there really is no "one size fits all" solution here. When in doubt you could consider sticking with the default locations. In general it's a matter of preference. Also: how sure are you that you need to re-install? You could simply make a backup of your current content folders and copy 'm all over.
When it comes to manual installation there are three folders to maintain the placement of
The daz DATA folder, the poser runtime Geometries and Textures folders.
Where those folders are is irrelevant, in my case my data folder is on one drive and the geometries on another, textures on a third and my working files on a fourth, but the structure must be maintained.
That is if it's in a Data folder, it stays in a data folder, if it's in a runtime\geometries or runtime\textures folder it should stay in those folders.
Beyond that, in daz studio, it doesn't matter where you put your content.
Plugins are an exception as they, at least partially, will need to be placed within the program directory(c:\program files\daz 3d\dazstudio4) in the plugins folder.
Some scripts, shaders and other products also have a weird layout where support files, i.e. textures, are placed with the base product and if you change the layout it may break the product resulting in an error message about missing content.