Rendering with Iray full HD 16:9 with one more nvidia k1200

Hello there, Sorry for my bad english, im playng with Daz and rendering with Iray getting nice results, but the rendering is bit slow, im using an hp z440 workastation with 16gb ram with 1tb HD with a nvidia k1200 for render and a k620 for just displayng, I knowbthe geforce line is much cheaper with better cudas but i like playng a system where i can run any 3d pro and edit video software withou hearing  any noise and leaving it working when imnnot at home without let the worksttaion getting high temoeratures, im thinking to add one more k1200 thta i found new for 250 euros   for a fester render, i guess 4gb for my renders are enough, do you think it should speed up my rendersnin a noticeable  way, alsonin my time real preview..

Thx in advance for you help


Nb writing from tablet..


  • You might want to look at a tesla card as Windows won't reserve any of their RAM against a display being connected - something that will happen if the card has video connectors. You may also find that your issue is that the scenes are not fitting into the GPU memory, in which case another 4GB card won't help at all.

  • totoscarantinototoscarantino Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    Thx for your answer but i think tesle solution would be really out of my budget and I did the iray speed test (iray starter scene- see bottom) wiht the k1200 and it seem everything is on the right line,  since a got just 512 cudas seem the results are ok based upon the card, and when  i add the k620 to help on render i gained about 20% speed thats a nice new, wonder if i had another k1200 if i get like 50% more speed, at this point the question is: should i continue add expensive but trusteables quadros k1200 or shall i get a new GTX 1060 (about same money target but with 200 cudas more and 6gb instead than 4gb) or even 1070 and try push render and in this case wich is the cost in terms of reliability , noise, temperature and precision and compatibility and so on? (i know new pasqal cards are supported only in beta  DAZ).

    As i told before i like alot Quadros, i never had a single compatibly problem with it or crash or weird thing and  i can leave it working all nite with almost 0 noise even under max load..

    CPU + K1200 + Optix on  = 9' 31" 5000 iteration

    K1200 + Optix on = 11' 40" 5000 iteration

    K1200 + K620 + Optix on = 7' 9" 5000 iteration

    Post edited by totoscarantino on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,873
    edited December 2016

    Unless the situation has recently changed it is not a good idea to mix Quadros and GeForce cards.

    Unless you have chnaged the settings DS will not render for more than two hours - the default time stop is 7,200 seconds.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • totoscarantinototoscarantino Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    Unless the situation has recently changed it is not a good idea to mix Quadros and GeForce cards.

    Unless you have chnaged the settings DS will not render for more than two hours - the default time stop is 7,200 seconds.

    I didnt meant mix gforce and quadros i mean  disinstalling quadros and going for geforce line, and about render when i think at night render i m thinking about animations..i guess DS can render more than 2 hours  (not each frame but the whole sequence)..and to avoid to being confuse those iray starter scene test times are in minuts and seconds

    Post edited by totoscarantino on
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