Looking for a bit of help on odd issue that has returned after a long time.

My problem is that if i load a base genesis 2 female character. Once i save the scene and exit "to finish later" When i reload the scene My Genesis 2 female loads in with a charcter morph that i made like a year ago. I can overwrite the character by reloading the base GEN 2 character on it again..but i have to go thru the long task of resetting all my materials the way i want them.
Its only Genesis 2 base female that does this...how is it drawing the morph from a character i deleted almost 6 months ago? I am not savy with the internal workings of file management of DAZ so any one point me in the right direction?
It sounds as if you saved modified assets or the like, so their default state is non-zero. You may need to reinstal the morph sets affected, if you can tell which they are.
Is there a way to see morph set files? I might be able to determine which it is. I am confused as to why i would want to reistall something i want to get rid of though. I want Genesis 2 base female to always be Genesis 2 base female.
If I am right in suspecting that you have saved over some of the base morphs with a non-zero default then reinstalling will replace the files with copies that have the correct default.
I see, so let me understand....should reinstall the Base Genesis 2 Female? Whats weird to me is that when i load in Gen 2 female she is fine..its only after i exit daz and then reload the scene file that this is occuring.
That is odd. Which parameters are set in Currently Used in the Parameters pane when you load the figure - that was going to be my next question anyway, to identify the problem morphs.
Hrm, ok this gets even stranger. I just loaded Genesis 2 female...saved the scene and did a new scene...then reloaded the old scene and Genesis 2 Fem is the way she should be....then, thinking about other character i had in the scene where this was occuring so i loaded Norma up and "Currently" used is a ton of sliders. So, i loaded Genesis 2 female base again With Norma still in the scene and saved the scene...cleared it by hitting new..then reloading via recently opened...Now when it loads up Norma is the same as she was...but Genesis 2 female base is all jacked up with the character i created and deleted over a year ago.
Now i am really scratching my head.