Daz Studio 4.5 crashes when fitting items

Hello there!
Daz Studio 4.5 has started to crash for me anytime I wanted to fit content to genesis figure (either in a new or old scene), that was not designed for it (the usual prompt asking about which figure was the item designed for pops up, I am able to select, say M4, but right after I do that, the prompt closes and Daz Studio crashes.
I just updated Daz Studio 4.5 to the latest version to see if that would help - it did not (I obviously uninstalled the previous version, when the installer detected the conflict).
With the crash, this is the error I get:
DAZStudio.exe caused UNKNOWN_ERROR in module "C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll" at 0033:00000000FD66CACD, RaiseException()+61 byte(s)
RAX=0000000061479132 RBX=000000000104DB30
RCX=000000000104B4B0 RDX=0000000000002680
RSI=000000000104E160 RDI=000000000104C8B0
FLG=00000202 RBP=000000000104C150
Does anyone know what might have caused that problem to occur?
Alright, seems like I have diagnosed the problem!
Recently I purchased the keyMate plugin for Daz Studio - when I disable the plugin now, and restart Studio, fitting doesn't cause any crashes.
Turning the keyMate plugin 'on' again, caused the crashing problem to return.
It seems like it is a problem with keyMate...
First reported here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/13137/P30/#191333
Fix available: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/13137/P135/#198629
More or less, go download it again from your account.