Why why why can't the CMS just show my items?!?

How many of you have only DAZ content in your library. Lemme see a show of... yeah I thought so. Next to nobody.
I'm so sick and **** tired of having to switch from the DAZ tree to the Poser tree to the DAZ tree to the Poser tree ad nauseum when working with DAZ. I'm actually getting seriously discouraged from using DAZ anymore. I find myself only collecting poser compatible things in the past year or so and am seriously considering converting all the DAZ stuff that's not poser compatible to be so just for some peace of mind. And then avoiding DAZ stuff forever, just for some peace of mind.
I know I know, you're supposed to be able to scan known folders and have a single tree right?
No. No. This hasn't been the case for me since 2015. After months of doing things the clunky long way, I finally decided the pain in my hand wasn't worth it anymore. I mean, this pain is a dangerous pain from the click click clicking. This pain is induced injury that where - DAZ isn't forcing me to work with them, things could at lease be a *little* intuitive about things like this. So I ran the content manager search with the hopes the problem was finally fixed.
It is in fact, not fixed. The last time I contacted tech support my complaints about it were politely dealt with but I don't think they understand the gravity of my situation against all the clicking - or really typing this much for that matter. :-p So I've contacted them again but in the meantime I thought I'd fish for answers here.
I'm attaching 2 screenshots. I wonder if anyone else has this issue? Were you able to fix it? I know the system is seeing the missing items... cuz I can find them in the stupid DAZ tree.

Have you tried simply right-clicking on a folder in the Content Library and choosing Create Category to add its content and subfolders to an existing category?
If you're talking about that entire process where I'd have to move and categorize and basically organize my library like I used to... no. Never again. When I remember all the times I came here with tears in my eyes because the CMS lost everything..... You remember those days, don't you? Weren't they horrible all around? :-p
If you're talking about doing that with an entire folder like it's some sort of magic shortcut to getting things where they need to go - surely you jest as I have I don't know how many items and have been organizing them manually nearly every day all this year and have barely made a dent in the mess that is everyone's idea of where things to go vs. mine. (Doesn't help a former roommate maliciously erased my library before leaving. I'm working on an old backup that wasn't as organized.)
If you're talking about something else - my 24 hours search for what to do yielding nothing about that across the great and powerful webs. I did just try to right click and got "create subfolder" instead. Which makes me suspect you're talking about what I used to do.
I found the answer to my question though. In the scan search it TOO is separating DAZ from poser. It didn't used to do thaaaaaaaat. How miserable.
Unless someone has a real solution I'll just have to keep with mine I guess.
Try opening the Content Library (pane), to go categories, find "Lost and Found" (assuming you're on 4.9). Does that help you gain easier access to your items a bit? Moving those into a category of their own should be fairly simple; only a few mouse clicks.
Well, what Richard said above can work. It would allow you to create a category "tree" which basically contains all your products. So instead of browsing through either the Daz or Poser content trees you'd be browsing through your category tree only. Of course: within the content library tab, not so much the smart contents pane. But it is a good way to group your stuff together in an easier (non-metadata'd) way.
I can't really follow the issue based on the screenshots so I can't really comment on that, sorry.
I also remember those days, but I can also honestly say that a lot has changed. I too lost days (weeks?) of work after having sorted everything out but earlier this year I decided to have another go at it and after having spend days (during a vacation even) on importing items, providing meta data and categorizing I can say that it really makes things a whole lot easier.
And even better: a few months ago I started noticing errors during the start up of DS: "Upgrading CMS" but nothing happened. "Here we go again.." I thought. Seriously: all I did was to make a backup of my user data (using the content DB maintenance option), I completely trashed the CMS (reset it), re-imported my data and guess what? I didn't lose any work at all other than that "upgrading CMS" glitch.
Since Daz moved to PostgreSQL things really became a whole lot more robust and even mort important: much more reliable.
I know... I know... You may have heard that before. I know I did :) But I'm very serious here. It took me days (and I really mean spending 6 - 10 hours on sorting out my stuff) but when looking back it was also very much worth it.
You can also easily categorize stuff individually, grouped or as an entire folder. Your imagination is the limit here. But I really think you should at least consider the option. Once you sorted the whole thing out like this then you could even consider going for the smart contents, because that would then only be 1 step away (by adding meta data).
Anyway, I hope this can help a bit.
Studio isn't the problem. The problem is that Poser items have odd folder categories and also never enforced consistency among PA's.
The bulk of the mess I'm struggling with comes from DA items.... I rather *like* the poser organization. Props in props. Hair in hair. Characters in character. It's simple, straight forward, and I do less clicking when dealing with the poser side of my library. :-)
I've been to this mysterious Lost and Found folder many times, even after scanning and rescanning, and never have seen a thing in it. I right click and still get create subcategory. I do find the items it's scanned for, just never in Lost and Found. Even when I tell the program to put things into uncategorized. It all goes under scanned, separated apparently, by content type despite the owner's wishes.
I just right clicked on it and got create subcategory. I did. I got an empty subcategory. I really don't know what you want here.
Also... organizing within DAZ's library won't fix the problem. I'm also running poser, and even if I weren't.... And I'm always cleaning and organizing. It's pointless to organize things within DAZ only for that to change when I actually go to the folder and move things to the spot they actually belong in. That would literally double the organization load. And organizing within DAZ has gotten clumsier since they moved to Daz4. Daz3 was nice; you could drag and drop. Can't do that in 4.
I mean, I have spent an entire day finding things, moving things, etc. So for DAZ to "remember" some organization system isn't feasible, and it never will be. What I need for it to do is NOT to separate content into two separate trees, even within the scanned library. It's not even a difficult concept, really!
Daz sees the tree, it scans the tree, it reports the folders. But instead of separating Daz away from Poser like it's the 1950's, they all would be right there. In the tree.
The DAZ library screenshot is what DAZ is giving me after I tell it to scan known directories.
The screenshot is actually what is in that folder.
I forgot to thank everyone for answering before. So: thank you.
The more I look at this the more I realize... my solution really is the best one. I'm creating a firm base file structure with things in their place, not where some metadata decides it should be. This is held back by the fact that DAZ insists on moving my Viking hair to the folder it wants no matter how many times I correct this. I want hair in the hair folder, not under a character's folder!! I mix and match my items! ARGH!
So thanks, but... yeah. Poser items it is. Oh well. It was a thought.