Troubles with SS Chevelle for Poser

Hello -
Anyone ever tried to use this Chevelle in DAZ?
I'm having an issue with an insufferable artifact that stretches between the driver's door window glass and the post that divides the front and rear windows. Picture a sort of "wide ribbon" that would prevent the driver from entering. Anyone know what I can do to fix it, or have I wasted my clams?
It's a classic 'welding' problem. It can be fixed in a couple of ways...if you have Studio 3, it can be used or the modelling program of your choice will be needed to fix it.
Nah, that's all beyond my patience or ability. Looks like I'll be searchng for another model. Thanks anyway.
It's actually pretty least with DS3. You load it and export a new object...replace the original obj file.
For using a modeller, it's slightly more complicated depending on the obj import options for the modeller.
Why wouldn't that work with a current iteration of DS? I'd prrefer not to regress just for this.
Because DS 3 unwelded the OBJ and then rewelded only where the CR2 said to, DS4 will respect the welds in the OBJ file whatever you do. (Actually, if there are no morphs it might be possible to split it apart with the Geometry Editor tool, working on two copies, then export the result as an OBJ to replace the original.)
DS 3 can be run along side of DS 4.x with no problems...