The Hunger for Genesis 3 Male - Massive Distortion Problems

Is it the experience of the testers that this product severely distorts the joints of Genesis 3? When I try even a subtle pre-built pose, the fingers and wrists are distorted terribly. Even when I manually position the pose and move the thumb even a little, the shape becomes distorted to the point of being unusable. Looking back at the promos, I note that the poses are all very slight. In other words no real action poses or extreme poses of any kind. Is this somehow user error or does this need a rig shape adjustment or something?
RAWART, please advise.
Post edited by Greybro on
Notice the thumb joint on the left hand and the wrist area on the right.
Another example.

The wrist joint starts to break around 7.5 on the side to side dial.

Surely a rig shape adjustment just got left out of the install package or something like that right?
Ugh just bought him today. Was hoping to enjoy some playtime with him. I'll boot him up later but definitely submit a bug report
I also installed this on a second machine using Connect and encountered the same problems. I'll give this another day to see if anyone wants to help fix my problems before requesting a refund.
There does appear to be an error on the installed version. (My build version seems to work fine)
I will submit a fix to daz and try to get it updated ASAP
Sorry for the inconvenience
Well, like I said, I knew it had to be an issue with the release files as your work is always so impeccable! I look forward to being able to use this bad @$$ character!
Oh I make mistakes is just nice to have a team like DAZ at my back to catch them (most of them) ;)
So has this been taken care of yet. I have the same problem with this model.
the fix has been sent to is just going through the process of being put into the installer.... unfortunately there may be slowdowns due to the holiday season...sorry.
Thank you RawArt for that prompt response. Daz doesn't really have a way of letting everyone know (at least I don't think they do ) when a product has been updated .In the past for updates I usually had gotten an e-mail from the artist of the model or some type of notification thru other sites. Daz should list a version # next to thier products to let everyone know if it has been updated, you know 1.00 ,1.01 and so on.
But on a lighter note thanks for all the years of cool stuff keep it up and I look forward to seeing whats next
DIM and Connect should flag updates - if you want to manually install, download with DIM and you wills till get the update notice as long as you leave the zip in the Downloads folder.
Thanks for getting the update out there. On a side note, the long tounge is not part of this character is that correct? If not might I ask how that's accomplished if anyone knows?
Something like "Tongue Control," but for G3? Is there such a product?
-removed just in case-
I just saw that the updates are showing up on redownload and everything should be good to go.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
The Tongue IS part of this character...I would not do it half-way ;)
Where do I find that parameter. I didn't see it on the tounge. I was hoping it was included.
It is in Parameters/Actor/Head/face/mouth/Raw_Tongue-long
Thanks Rawn!