Holiday Animation Done In Carrara: "Action Figure"
Steve K
Posts: 3,259
Here is a 2 minute Carrara holiday animation paying tribute to the great toys and scale models that can inspire dreams of great adventures:
720 x 480 - 253K
nice clips - good action
Very nice - cute story concept - made me think back to when I was a kid.
Any post processing ?
Was it all done in Carrara ? Smoke/ explosion etc
Very Good...really Enjoyed it
Very well done, The only thing I might have done different would have been cut out the TEXT scenes and show the boy's face then the next item and then the new day dream. For me the Text Drops break the flow of a well done vid. Think FLOW...
Still, as I said Very Well Done.
Thanks to all for the kind words. In response to the comments/questions:
All the animation was done in Carrara, using mostly Poser type content. The "Depth of Field" effects were done in Carrara.
The smoke/explosion type effects were done with Particle Illusion, a 2D overlay type program that works with any still or video.
Some of the motion effects ("Ken Burns" effect) were done with the video editor, Magix' "Movie Edit Pro MX", which has some nice "After Effects" type features.
The idea of using the boy's face before each segment did occur to me, but its kind of an evolving thing. The project started out as a 1 minute movie trailer type video, using a template from Magix that included the text transitions (plus music, snow,etc.) By the time I got done, I had dumped most of the template and ended up with a 2 minute video. But I wanted to get it out before Christmas and so ... I do agree the face transition is probably better than the text.
(Reminds me of songwriter Todd Snider's story about writing a particular song. When he started it was about a certain event in his life. But after he got it all to rhyme, it wasn't about that anymore.)
Again, thanks to all.
Holy Smokes Batman, Your that! Guy on That Team. And I had the Stupid to tell you what to do. Thank you for the nice way you took it.
Well done Steve & Happy Holidays to you :)
Maybe you're confusing me with someone from Pixar? Not me, I'm just a hobbyist who likes Carrara. In any case, your comment was appreciated, taken as constructive criticism. One concern I had about the kid's face transition was making it three different ways. Different text is easy. But I still like the idea, just ran out of time.
Thanks, Ivy. I hope your holidays are going well, so far so good here in Texas (no freezing temperature yet):