Using DAZ Connect to manage disk space usage

Howdy Folks,
My DAZ library has outgrown the physical storage space on my MacBook Pro. So, I have decided to give DAZ Connect a whirl in an effort to keep the footprint smaller. Is there an easy way to determien which content in my library MUST be installed through DIM, and which content can be downloaded on-demand via DAZ Connect? I understand not everything is currently DAZ Connect avaialble, but I cannot figure out a way to do it, without individual examining my 2000+ items. Thanks in advance!
Rich S.
Connect doesn't do plugins or software. It also cannot handle the generation 4 figures (V4, M4, all their variations). Everything else should be OK.
Thanks for assist namffuak... BTW, do you know if DIM and Connect are "smart" enough to not install things twice? As of now, it doesn't look like it.... Makes this way more difficult. I also just noticed that when something is not already downloaded by Connect, doubleclicking it, only installs it.
Rich S.
Correct. Which is my main gripe with Daz Connect. You're not saving disk space, you're wasting it. However, it is fair to say that there have been some good updates in the past months in DZ which make accessing the Daz Connect storage from the library content pane a lot easier (and with that it's also easier to control).
I'd also like to warn you for possible authentication issues. When DS considers that too much has changed on your computer then it'll disallow you to use Daz Connect items untill you logged on and re-authenticated. This has hit me a few times, and in some cases for totally ridiculous reasons: like changing some of my network settings. There are ways to overcome this by downloading the encryption key and installing it manually (if I recall correctly) but yeah, it can still be a pain.