Opening DUF files after reinstall

Hey there,
Wondering if anyone can help with a bit of a silly problem I've gotten myself into.
The HDD I was using to store my content library was running out of space, so i reinstalled Daz to a new empy drive and re-mapped MyDaz3dLibrary etc - all was fine. The trouble I'm having, is that
now, none of my saved projects (obviously) know where to get the content from when I attempt to load them - does anyone know how to tell the DUF files how to navigate to the new content? ...or is it just
lost now because you cant amend them (so I hear).
Any help is appreciated.
The saved scenes should have used relative paths - the location of the content within the content directory - so as long as you have correctly palced the items in the new content diectory they should work. If your regular content files are working that would suggest that things are correctly placed, however.
Thanks for the reply. As you say if my content was working then the scene should - turns out I hadnt installed it correctly (even though it was showing in the list. All sorted and DUFs working.