Clothing such as hats, helmets boots as props?

I'm interested in using clothing as props, but finding many are designed with autofit and even when added to the screen not parented are difficult to place...
For example, I would like to have a character don a helmet, tip his hat, or put on an armored suit or a pair of boots.
Any suggestions on making the placement of clothing easier?
I am new to making pose sets, and would appreciate help.
If you deselect the zeroed figure, load the item, and parent it to the appropriate body part it should be correctly aligned. For ease of maniapulation it may be better to place a null wheer you want the pivot point, parent that to the figure bone, and parent the unfitted wearable item to the null.
Indeed, what ever you do, do not fitt hard objects to a person or bodypart, you can do it, but oh boy be prepared to enter JCM and FBM hell. I tried it once and oh my lord, Richard you warned me......hard objects would deform and indeed they do as you change a you can replace the factory FBM's by your own (which then would not deform) but that is a rather cumbersome proces and mostly not worth the trouble. By the way sometimes you can also parent a hard schell on a soft bodies object on to the bone of the garnment. I got away with buttons that way. But I will always fight for a riggid body.
When a person animates a person taking of a hat usually you use a program that can also animate the parenting of an object. For instance the hat is parented to the head until the fingers of the hand grab the edge of the hat. Then the parenting is keyframed to the hand and the hard guides the hat to an elegant motion downwards, and when the hand return the proces is key again but now in reverse, so the hand is free to leave the hat on the head. Now I don't know wether DAZ can animate parenting. I do not animate in DAZ, but for instance Blender can keyframe any parameter you want......
Greets, ArtisanS