OBJ UVMapper Defined Regions and DAZ Studio Regions

Does UVMapper and DAZ Studio recognize each other's reagions? Or are they different? Does anyone know?
UVMapper has had regions for a long, long time and I've used them in the past as a place holder utility... but is this the same parameter that DAZ Studio uses for joints?
No. Regions are unique to UV Mapper. No other software uses them, and no other software reads them.
Pity, as they're incredibly useful.
So the Regions DAZ Studio uses are different? I'm looking in the Polgon editor tools and you have all three: Object Groups, Material Groups and Regions...
I wouldn't be questioning you, but your answer makes it appear as though you were unaware of DAZ Studio's use of Regions (at least in V4.5)
This got me so intrigued, I had to go in and test it... and unfortunately, you are correct :( DS does not recognize UVMapper regions, nor does UVMapper recognize DAZ regions.. HOWEVER. assigning regions in UVMapper does not negate Material or Object (Face) Groups in DS nor vice versa... interesting...
What I meant was UV Mapper's regions aren't recognised by any other program.
it's a shame too... I wonder if we could convince DAZ to take a look at those and ask that they be recognized so that they convert to the same regions in DS... it would be nice to be able to define them before bringing an OBJ into DS...
Probably not possible ... Wavefront object format... Notice if you import a stock Genesis obj into Wings3d or Blender, the Material Groups show but not the Bone Groups. Most softwares now have some sort of Grouping tools, but the info is usually lost on export. But Material info is saved. I like to jump back and forth to different softwares when modeling. All you can really do is try to have edge-loops in your areas of interest.
Wavefront OBJ doesn't support bone groups at all and never has. UVMapper saves region data with the Wavefront OBJ file, therefore other software can read it if they'er set up to do so. Wavefront OBJ is basically a text file with geometry data in it.